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Team results

AW Dreyfoos School of the Arts
A High School team from Florida

Viewing results from 2023-2024. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Competitor results

FFL Novice State and FFL Middle School State - Final results
Valentina Saenz-Daza2Program Oral Interpretation - Novice (POI)Novice
Olivia Kahn5Program Oral Interpretation - Novice (POI)Novice
Charisma Culmer6Program Oral Interpretation - Novice (POI)Novice
FFL Region 4 Qualifier - Final results
Aiza Khan and Sienna Sossi1Public Forum Debate (PF)Varsity
Arik Karim, Ashwin Kishor, Emily Ramirez, Gavin Murray and Jasmine Mullings1World Schools Debate (WORLD)Varsity
Lila Goldin1Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Aidan Smith and Zachary Schwartz2Public Forum Debate (PF)Varsity
Emily Singer2Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Beau McDowell and Emilia Mason4Public Forum Debate (PF)Varsity
Nico Nasse4Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Varsity
Shailee Patel6Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
FFL Varsity State - Final results
Arik Karim, Ashwin Kishor, Emily Ramirez, Gavin Murray and Jasmine Mullings2World Schools Debate (WORLD)Varsity
Florida Oceanfront NSDA District Congress Qualifier - Final results
Arik Karim1Congressional Debate - Senate (CD)High School
Ashwin Kishor5Congressional Debate - House (CD)House 1
Florida Oceanfront NSDA District Speech & Debate Qualifier - Final results
Ava Fiala and Zijia Mo1Public Forum Debate (PF)Open
Beau McDowell and Emilia Mason2Public Forum Debate (PF)Open
Brooke Yang2Informative Speech (INFO)Open
Ruhaan Sood2International Extemporaneous Speaking (IX)Open
PBCFL #1 - Final results
Capri Wayne and Cloe Barrau1Public Forum Debate (PF)Mixed
Chloe Ryder1Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Gavin Murray1Congressional Debate - Mixed (CD)Mixed
Lucy Pellegrino1Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Sofia Hennessey-Correa1Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Mixed
Trisha Babji Rao1Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Arik Karim2Congressional Debate - Mixed (CD)Mixed
Ashwin Kishor2Congressional Debate - Mixed (CD)Mixed
Bailee E. Simmers2Congressional Debate - Mixed (CD)Mixed
Brooke Yang2Informative Speaking (Info)Mixed
Devi Ramprasad and Morgan Bertisch2Public Forum Debate (PF)Mixed
Karen Zhao2Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Mixed
Karina Brown2Congressional Debate - Mixed (CD)Mixed
Keegan McLendon2Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Liliana Kirby2Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Ruhaan Sood2Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)Mixed
Ankith Sureddi3Original Oratory (OO)Mixed
Emily Ramirez3Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Mixed
Griffin Petti3Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Olivia Kahn3Oral Interpretation (OI)Mixed
Olivia McGoldrick3Informative Speaking (Info)Mixed
Ava Fiala and Zijia Mo4Public Forum Debate (PF)Mixed
Raiqa Rayhan4Informative Speaking (Info)Mixed
Rishi Iyer4Original Oratory (OO)Mixed
Sanjit Gupta4Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Sloane Clarke4Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Vedhasa Kallam4Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Charlotte Lebedeker5Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Mixed
Ephram Jacob and Josef Fiala5Public Forum Debate (PF)Mixed
Jeremiah Alondra5Congressional Debate - Mixed (CD)Mixed
Aidan Smith6Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)Mixed
Samantha Bain6Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
PBCFL #2 - Final results
Brooke Yang1Informative Speaking (Info)Mixed
Sofia Derk1Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Sofia Hennessey-Correa1Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Mixed
Karina Brown2Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Lila Goldin2Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Mariana Colom2Original Oratory (OO)Mixed
Nico Nasse2Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Mixed
Olivia Kahn2Oral Interpretation - Novice (OI)Novice
Bianca Zapatier3Dramatic Performance (DP)Mixed
Emily Ramirez3Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Mixed
Faustina Duvigneaud3Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Jasmine Mullings3Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Morgan Johnson3Original Oratory (OO)Mixed
Ruth Ava Weisberg3Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Samantha Bain4Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Shailee Patel4Dramatic Performance (DP)Mixed
Aiza Khan and Sienna Sossi5Public Forum Debate (PF)Mixed
David Sanchez5Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Kendall Smith5Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Rayven Richards6Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Rishi Iyer6Original Oratory (OO)Mixed
Sanjana Gupta6Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Sophia Nemes6Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
PBCFL #3 - Final results
Rishi Iyer1Original Oratory (OO)Mixed
Ruth Ava Weisberg1Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Brooke Yang2Informative Speaking (Info)Mixed
Cecily Mendelson2Original Oratory (OO)Mixed
Emily Singer2Dramatic Performance (DP)Mixed
Dylan Nguyen3Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Ephram Jacob and Harrison Mandell3Public Forum Debate - Mixed (PF)Mixed
Lake Chavez3Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Mixed
Lucy Pellegrino3Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Raiqa Rayhan3Informative Speaking (Info)Mixed
Samantha Bain3Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Aiza Khan and Sienna Sossi4Public Forum Debate - Mixed (PF)Mixed
Beau McDowell and Morgan Bertisch4Public Forum Debate - Novice (PF)Novice
Inga Black4Informative Speaking (Info)Mixed
Keira Cardoso4Original Oratory (OO)Mixed
Olivia Kahn4Oral Interpretation (OI)Mixed
Kendall Smith6Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Sarah Horan6Original Oratory (OO)Mixed
PBCFL #4 - Final results
Charisma Culmer1Oral Interpretation - Novice (OI)Novice
Chloe Ryder1Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Devi Ramprasad1Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Gavin Murray1Congressional Debate - Mixed (CD)Mixed
Inga Black1Informative Speaking - Mixed (INF)Mixed
Josiah Manners1Congressional Debate - Mixed (CD)Mixed
Karen Zhao1Lincoln Douglas Debate - Novice (LD)Novice
Keegan McLendon1Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Ruhaan Sood1Extemporaneous Speaking - Mixed (EXT)Mixed
Bailee E. Simmers2Congressional Debate - Mixed (CD)Mixed
Sarah Horan2Original Oratory - Novice (OO)Novice
Sofia Derk2Congressional Debate - Mixed (CD)Mixed
Ashwin Kishor3Congressional Debate - Mixed (CD)Mixed
David Sanchez3Congressional Debate - Mixed (CD)Mixed
Lila Goldin3Congressional Debate - Mixed (CD)Mixed
Olivia McGoldrick3Informative Speaking - Mixed (INF)Mixed
Sara Lipnitzky3Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Sofia Hennessey-Correa3Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Mixed
Vedhasa Kallam3Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Beau McDowell and Emilia Mason4Public Forum Debate - Novice (PF)Novice
Liliana Kirby and Reya Chennath4Duo Interpretation - Novice (DUO)Novice
Samantha Bain4Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Shailee Patel4Dramatic Performance - Mixed (DP)Mixed
Trisha Babji Rao4Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Aiza Khan and Sienna Sossi5Public Forum Debate - Mixed (PF)Mixed
Bianca Zapatier5Dramatic Performance - Mixed (DP)Mixed
Karina Brown5Congressional Debate - Mixed (CD)Mixed
Valentina Saenz-Daza5Extemporaneous Speaking - Novice (EXT)Novice
Cecily Mendelson6Original Oratory - Mixed (OO)Mixed
Hinav Kour Ahmad6Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
PBCFL #5 - Final results
Beau McDowell and Emilia Mason1Public Forum Debate (PF)Open
Charisma Culmer1Oral Interpretation (OI)Open
Keira Cardoso and Rayven Richards1Duo Interpretation (DUO)Open
Raiqa Rayhan1Informative Speaking (INF)Open
Sofia Derk1Congressional Debate (CD)Open
Ashwin Kishor2Congressional Debate (CD)Open
Bailee E. Simmers2Congressional Debate (CD)Open
Capri Wayne and Cloe Barrau2Public Forum Debate (PF)Open
Inga Black2Informative Speaking (INF)Open
Lila Goldin2Dramatic Performance - Open (DP)Open
Ava Fiala and Olivia Kahn3Duo Interpretation (DUO)Open
Chase Csutoras and Nicholas Stan3Public Forum Debate (PF)Open
Eva Basnet3Original Oratory - Novice (OO)Novice
Sloane Clarke3Congressional Debate (CD)Open
Vivian Jiang4Congressional Debate (CD)Open
Emily Ramirez5Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Open
Yemaya Gaspard5Original Oratory - Open (OO)Open
Ankith Sureddi6Original Oratory - Open (OO)Open
Tess Barry6Oral Interpretation (OI)Open
Victoria McGovern6Congressional Debate (CD)Open
PBCFL #6 - Final results
Olivia McGoldrick1Informative Speaking - Mixed (INF)Mixed
Trisha Babji Rao1Oral Interpretation (OI)Mixed
Valentina Saenz-Daza1Program Oral Interpretation - Novice (POI)Novice
Josiah Manners2Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Kendall Smith2Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Ruhaan Sood2Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)Mixed
Sienna Sossi2Program Oral Interpretation - Mixed (POI)Mixed
Jeremiah Alondra3Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Morgan Johnson3Dramatic Performance (DP)Mixed
Morgan Johnson3Original Oratory (OO)Mixed
Samantha Bain3Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Amber Ray and Sofia Vargas4Duo Interpretation (DUO)Mixed
Anisah Aden and Hanna Masudi4Public Forum Debate (PF)Mixed
Bianca Zapatier4Dramatic Performance (DP)Mixed
Charlotte Handel4Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)Mixed
Emily Ramirez4Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Mixed
Rishi Iyer4Original Oratory (OO)Mixed
Victoria McGovern4Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Keegan McLendon5Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Lake Chavez5Program Oral Interpretation - Mixed (POI)Mixed
Lucy Pellegrino5Dramatic Performance (DP)Mixed
Vedhasa Kallam5Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Bianca Angelino6Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Hinav Kour Ahmad6Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed

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