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Team results

Henry Clay
A High School team from Kentucky

Viewing results from 2022-2023. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
4NJSDL April Speech Festival190
6NJSDL February Speech Festival127

Competitor results

NJSDL April Speech Festival - Final results
Luca Quinio1Dramatic interp (HS) (DI)HS-Open
Luca Quinio1Prose Reading (HS) (PRO)HS-Open
Nicky Li1Congressional Debate (HS) (CDAC)HS-Open
Benson King2Poetry Reading (HS) (POE)HS-Open
China Bareng2Dramatic interp (HS) (DI)HS-Open
China Bareng2Prose Reading (HS) (PRO)HS-Open
Luca Quinio2Humorous Interp (HS) (HI)HS-Open
Luca Quinio2Program Oral Interp (HS) (POI)HS-Open
Nathan Palley2Humorous Interp (HS) (HI)HS-Open
Will Hargis2Congressional Debate (HS) (CDAC)HS-Open
Nancy Chen3Congressional Debate (HS) (CDAC)HS-Open
Benson King4Dramatic interp (HS) (DI)HS-Open
Katie Rugg4Dramatic interp (HS) (DI)HS-Open
NJSDL February Speech Festival - Final results
Luca Quinio1Dramatic Interp (HS) (DI)HS-Open
Luca Quinio1Humorous Interp (HS) (HI)HS-Open
China Bareng2Dramatic Interp (HS) (DI)HS-Open
China Bareng2Prose Reading (HS) (PRO)HS-Open
Nathan Palley2Humorous Interp (HS) (HI)HS-Open
Benson King6Dramatic Interp (HS) (DI)HS-Open
Katie Rugg6Dramatic Interp (HS) (DI)HS-Open
Benson KingFin.Poetry Reading (HS) (POE)HS-Open
Mason DeckerFin.THEMED Prepared Prompt (HS) (IMP)HS-Open

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