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Team results

Benton Dramatic Duet Acting

Competitor(s) from Benton

Viewing results from 2009-2010. Change season:

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Final results
Josh Kimball and Tyler Koski1Belleville West EFL TournamentVarsity
Josh Kimball and Sara Barnett1Benton EFL TournamentVarsity
Josh Kimball and Tyler Koski1Harrisburg EFL TournamentVarsity
1IHSA Regional - HarrisburgVarsity
1IHSA Sectional - CharlestonVarsity
Josh Kimball and Sara Barnett2East St. Louis EFL TournamentVarsity
Josh Kimball and Sara Barnett2O'Fallon EFL TournamentVarsity
Josh Kimball and Sara Barnett3Carbondale TournamentVarsity
Abbie Price and Alison Webster4Benton EFL TournamentVarsity
Curtis Galloway and Kayla Erwin4O'Fallon EFL TournamentJV
Abbie Price and Alison Webster5East St. Louis EFL TournamentVarsity
Christian Hoffman and Tyler Koski5Chatham Glenwood EFL TournamentVarsity
Abbie Price and Alison Webster6Carbondale TournamentVarsity
JV Final results
Allison Blair and Kaitlyn Matzger1Benton EFL TournamentJV
Emily Baburnich and Henry Pickett1O'Fallon EFL TournamentJV
Alison Blair and Kaitlyn Matzger1Belleville West EFL TournamentJV
Abbie Price and Danielle Hoover2Chatham Glenwood EFL TournamentJV
Abbie Price and Danyelle Hoover2Harrisburg EFL TournamentJV
Courtney Knight and Curtis Galloway2Belleville West EFL TournamentJV
Curtis Galloway and Kayla Erwin2Benton EFL TournamentJV
Curtis Galloway and Kayla Erwin2Carbondale TournamentJV
Curtis Galloway and Kayla Erwin3East St. Louis EFL TournamentJV
Ashley Zinzilletta and Brittany Britton4Chatham Glenwood EFL TournamentJV
Alison Blair and Curtis Galloway4Harrisburg EFL TournamentJV
Emily Baburnich and Henry Pickett5Benton EFL TournamentJV
Emily Baburnich and Henry Pickett5Harrisburg EFL TournamentJV
Alison Blair and Kaitlyn Matzger5Chatham Glenwood EFL TournamentJV
Alison Blair and Kaitlyn Matzger5East St. Louis EFL TournamentJV
Ashley Zinzilletta and Brittany Britton6Belleville West EFL TournamentJV

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