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Team results

Carbondale Dramatic Duet Acting

Competitor(s) from Carbondale

Viewing results from 2009-2010. Change season:

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Final results
Clint Borcky and James Repp1O'Fallon EFL TournamentVarsity
Clint Borcky and James Repp2Harrisburg EFL TournamentVarsity
2IHSA Regional - HarrisburgVarsity
Clint Borcky and James Repp3Chatham Glenwood EFL TournamentVarsity
Clint Borcky and James Repp5Carbondale TournamentVarsity
Marian Repp and Raquel Olive5Belleville West EFL TournamentJV
Marian Repp and Raquel Olive5Benton EFL TournamentJV
Marian Repp and Raquel Olive5Harrisburg EFL TournamentJV
Aaron Farrell and Tess Culton6Chatham Glenwood EFL TournamentVarsity
Aaron Farrell and Tess Culton6Harrisburg EFL TournamentVarsity
Aaron Ferrel and Tess CultonFin.Benton EFL TournamentVarsity
JV Final results
Marian Repp and Raquel Olive3O'Fallon EFL TournamentJV
Kristine Pye and Siri Rigsby4O'Fallon EFL TournamentJV
Marian Repp and Raquel Olive5Carbondale TournamentJV
Kristine Pye and Siri Rigsby6Harrisburg EFL TournamentJV

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