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Team results

Apple Valley Extemporaneous Reading

Competitor(s) from Apple Valley

Viewing results from 2024-2025. Change season:

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Final results
Kenza Benlamlih1MinneappleVarsity
Kenza Benlamlih1Moorhead Spuds Speech InvitationalVarsity
Kenza Benlamlih1Star Tribune Eastview Lightning ClassicChampionship
Mackayla Elliott1Chanhassen Speech TournamentNovice
Muna Omar1Jordan InvitationalVarsity
Muntaz Saeed155th Annual Bloomington Speech TournamentNovice
Muntaz Saeed1MinneappleNovice
Muntaz Saeed1Rosemount Luck of the Irish Speech TournamentNovice
Kenza Benlamlih255th Annual Bloomington Speech TournamentVarsity
Kenza Benlamlih2Wayzata Trojan WarVarsity
Mars Severson2Rosemount Luck of the Irish Speech TournamentNovice
Rahell Tesfaye2Chanhassen Speech TournamentNovice
Rahell Tesfaye2Star Tribune Eastview Lightning ClassicOpen
Mars Severson3Chanhassen Speech TournamentNovice
Mars Severson3Eagan Wildcat Speech TournamentVarsity
Mars Severson3Jordan InvitationalVarsity
Mars Severson3MinneappleNovice
Muna Farah3RosebowlVarsity
Muntaz Saeed3Star Tribune Eastview Lightning ClassicOpen
Kayla Georgeson4Jordan InvitationalVarsity
Muna Farah455th Annual Bloomington Speech TournamentNovice
Muna Farah4Star Tribune Eastview Lightning ClassicOpen
Mackayla Elliott5MinneappleNovice
Salma Ibrahim5Jordan InvitationalVarsity
Edom Dagnie6Jordan InvitationalVarsity
Edom Dagnie6Star Tribune Eastview Lightning ClassicOpen
Muna Omar6RosebowlVarsity
Rahell Tesfaye6Rosemount Luck of the Irish Speech TournamentNovice
Mars SeversonFin.55th Annual Bloomington Speech TournamentNovice
Muntaz SaeedFin.Chanhassen Speech TournamentNovice
Jax KamrowskiFin.Jordan InvitationalVarsity
Muna FarahFin.Jordan InvitationalVarsity
Rahell TesfayeFin.Jordan InvitationalVarsity
Mackayla ElliottFin.Jordan InvitationalVarsity
Novice Final results
Rahell Tesfaye255th Annual Bloomington Speech TournamentNovice
Mackayla Elliott555th Annual Bloomington Speech TournamentNovice
Next-in Final results
Rahell Tesfaye2Eagan Wildcat Speech TournamentVarsity
Mars Severson3Star Tribune Eastview Lightning ClassicOpen
Salma Ibrahim355th Annual Bloomington Speech TournamentVarsity
Muntaz Saeed5Eagan Wildcat Speech TournamentVarsity
Merit Final results
Kenza Benlamlih1RosebowlVarsity
Mars Severson2RosebowlVarsity
Salma Ibrahim3Star Tribune Eastview Lightning ClassicOpen
Mackayla Elliott6Eagan Wildcat Speech TournamentVarsity
Consolation Final results
Muna Farah3Eagan Wildcat Speech TournamentVarsity
Salma Ibrahim6RosebowlVarsity

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