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Team results

Malcolm Oral Interpretation of Drama

Competitor(s) from Malcolm

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Final results
Caleb Porter, Chase Duckett, Ellie Powers, Gabby Porter and Grant Battles1Central Players InviteVarsity
Caleb Porter, Chase Duckett, Ellie Powers, Gabby Porter and Grant Battles1CUNE HS Speech ClassicOpen
Caleb Porter, Chase Duckett, Ellie Powers, Gabby Porter and Grant Battles1ECNC Speech TournamentVarsity
Caleb Porter, Chase Duckett, Ellie Powers, Gabby Porter and Grant Battles1Gator Invitational Varsity
Caleb Porter, Chase Duckett, Ellie Powers, Gabby Porter and Grant Battles1Lincoln Northeast Speech TournamentVarsity
Caleb Porter, Chase Duckett, Ellie Powers, Gabby Porter and Grant Battles1The Big O Speech MeetVarsity
Emily Steiner, Grace Schleining, Samantha Fortik, Sara Broad and Trevor Burianek2CUNE HS Speech ClassicOpen
Emily Steiner, Grace Schleining, Samantha Fortik, Sara Broad and Trevor Burianek2The Big O Speech MeetVarsity
Anna Schroeder, Emily Steiner, Grace Schleining, Samantha Fortik and Sara Broad4Gator Invitational Varsity
Caleb Porter, Chase Duckett, Ellie Powers, Gabby Porter and Grant Battles4Aquinas Catholic 4N6: Part 7Varsity
Emily Steiner, Grace Schleining, Samantha Fortik, Sara Broad and Trevor Burianek4Lincoln Northeast Speech TournamentVarsity
Emily Steiner, Grace Schleining, Samantha Fortik, Sara Broad and Trevor Burianek4NSAA District B-2/C1-4 Tournament (Raymond Central)Class C1-4
Caleb Porter, Chase Duckett, Elisabeth Powers, Gabrielle Porter and Grant Battles5NSAA District B-2/C1-4 Tournament (Raymond Central)Class C1-4
Addison Earnest, Archer Moody, Brett Thieman, David Swotek and John Boesen6Aquinas Catholic 4N6: Part 7Varsity
Next-in Final results
Addie Hejl, Addison Earnest, David Swotek, John Boesen and Piper Beatty2Gator Invitational Novice

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