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Team results

David City Oral Interpretation of Drama

Competitor(s) from David City

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Final results
Ashley Roemmich, Bethany Tebbe, Brooke Bell, Josh Escamilla and Sarah Wolfenden2Scout-Monarch Speech TournamentVarsity
Ashley Roemmich, Bethany Tebbe, Brooke Bell, Josh Escamilla and Sarah Wolfenden2Southern Nebraska Conference Speech MeetVarsity
Ashley Roemmich, Bethany Tebbe, Brooke Bell, Josh Escamilla and Sarah Wolfenden3Aquinas Catholic 4N6: Part 7Varsity
Ebani Filbert, Kirsten Bell and Neleigh Kovar3Southern Nebraska Conference Speech MeetVarsity
Ashley Roemmich, Bethany Tebbe, Brooke Bell, Josh Escamilla and Sarah Wolfenden4David City InviteVarsity
Bryanna McAuley, Jasmyne McDonald, Katie Belt and Malcolm Maxwell4Scout-Monarch Speech TournamentVarsity
Ebani Filbert, Kirsten Bell and Neleigh Kovar4Millard West Winter WonderlandVarsity
Ashley Roemmich, Bethany Tebbe, Brooke Bell, Joshua Escamilla and Sarah Wolfenden6NSAA District B-2/C1-4 Tournament (Raymond Central)Class C1-4
Next-in Final results
Ashley Roemmich, Bethany Tebbe, Brooke Bell, Josh Escamilla and Sarah Wolfenden1Lincoln Southwest Silver TalonVarsity
Ashley Roemmich, Bethany Tebbe, Brooke Bell, Josh Escamilla and Sarah Wolfenden2Crete Cardinal ClassicVarsity
Ashley Roemmich, Bethany Tebbe, Brooke Bell, Josh Escamilla and Sarah Wolfenden3Millard West Winter WonderlandVarsity
Ashley Roemmich, Bethany Tebbe, Brooke Bell, Josh Escamilla and Sarah Wolfenden4Spartan InvitationalVarsity
Merit Final results
Ebani Filbert, Kirsten Bell and Neleigh Kovar2Central Players InviteVarsity
Ebani Filbert, Kirsten Bell and Neleigh Kovar2Crete Cardinal ClassicVarsity

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