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Team results

Cozad Oral Interpretation of Drama

Competitor(s) from Cozad

Viewing results from 2024-2025. Change season:

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Final results
Ava Joyce, Camryn Yilk , Talyn Propp and Larkyn Malcom 2Voices of the PlainsVarsity
Chandler Kaup, Arleth Casillas, Raiden Heuck and Elijah Graves2Gothenburg Speech InviteNovice
Chandler Kaup, Arleth Casillas, Raiden Heuck and Elijah Graves2Blue and Gold Speech InviteNovice
Ava Joyce, Camryn Yilk , Talyn Propp and Larkyn Malcom 3Minutemen New Year's Speech MeetVarsity
Ava Joyce, Camryn Yilk , Talyn Propp and Larkyn Malcom 5Gothenburg Speech InviteVarsity
Ava Joyce, Camryn Yilk , Talyn Propp and Larkyn Malcom 5Southwest Conference SpeechVarsity
Chandler Kaup, Arleth Casillas, Raiden Heuck and Elijah Graves5CNFL #2Novice
Ava Joyce, Camryn Yilk , Talyn Propp and Larkyn Malcom 6Blue and Gold Speech InviteVarsity
Ava Joyce, Camryn Yilk , Talyn Propp and Larkyn Malcom Fin.CNFL #1Varsity

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