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Team results

Holdrege Oral Interpretation of Drama

Competitor(s) from Holdrege

Viewing results from 2024-2025. Change season:

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Final results
Ayna Mueller, Briley Light, Hunter Mueller and Raemi Kellen1Bow Speech InviteNovice
Ayna Mueller, Briley Light, Hunter Mueller and Raemi Kellen1CNFL #1Novice
Ayna Mueller, Briley Light, Hunter Mueller and Raemi Kellen1Minden Whippet InvitationalNovice
Ayna Mueller, Briley Light, Hunter Mueller and Raemi Kellen1Voices of the PlainsNovice
Beckett Coenen, Claire Hudson, Colin Mussman and Kendellen Kellen2Southwest Conference SpeechVarsity
Ayna Mueller, Briley Light, Hunter Mueller and Raemi Kellen3CNFL #2Novice
Beckett Coenen, Claire Hudson, Colin Mussman and Kendellen Kellen3Minden Whippet InvitationalVarsity
Beckett Coenen, Claire Hudson, Colin Mussman and Kendellen Kellen3Voices of the PlainsVarsity
Cassandra Swift, Christophe Taylor, Danica Dossett, Jaiden Brand and Jana Shaw4Minutemen New Year's Speech MeetVarsity
Beckett Coenen, Claire Hudson, Colin Mussman and Kendellen Kellen5Bow Speech InviteVarsity
Beckett Coenen, Claire Hudson, Colin Mussman and Kendellen Kellen5Minutemen New Year's Speech MeetVarsity
Cassandra Swift, Christophe Taylor, Danica Dossett, Jaiden Brand and Jana Shaw6Bow Speech InviteVarsity
Cassandra Swift, Christophe Taylor, Danica Dossett, Jaiden Brand and Kelsy Burken6Voices of the PlainsVarsity
Beckett Coenen, Claire Hudson, Darbie deFreese and Kendellen KellenFin.CNFL #1Varsity
Next-in Final results
Beckett Coenen, Claire Hudson, Colin Mussman and Kendellen Kellen1CNFL #2Varsity
Cassandra Swift, Christophe Taylor, Danica Dossett, Jaiden Brand and Kelsy Burken1Ogallala InviteVarsity
Beckett Coenen, Claire Hudson, Colin Mussman and Kendellen Kellen2Ogallala InviteVarsity

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