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Team results

Downers Grove South Dramatic Interpretation

Competitor(s) from Downers Grove South

Viewing results from 2009-2010. Change season:

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Final results
Cassie Snyder1Into the Woods: Winter JamboreeVarsity
1IHSA Sectional - Downers Grove SouthVarsity
Stephanie Flowers1Oswego East OlympiadVarsity
Stephanie Flowers1Rochelle NoviceNovice
Stephanie Flowers1Warren Novice TournamentJV
Colleen Derosa242nd Annual Maine InvitationalVarsity
Colleen Derosa2Buffalo Grove Tournament of MittensVarsity
2IHSA Regional - Hinsdale CentralVarsity
Josh Durham2Naperville Central Tournament of RosesVarsity
Stephanie Flowers2WVHS 'The Reel Thing'Varsity
Josh Durham3Buffalo Grove Tournament of MittensVarsity
Josh Durham3DGN Varsity-Novice MixerVarsity
Alyssa Frewen4Downers Grove South Varsity TournamentVarsity
Cassie Snyder4Rolling Meadows Varsity TournamentVarsity
Colleen Derosa4DGN Varsity-Novice MixerVarsity
Colleen Derosa4Elk Grove TournamentVarsity
4IHSA Speech State Final 2010Varsity
Colleen Derosa4Into the Woods: Winter JamboreeVarsity
Elly Walsh-Rock4Warren Novice TournamentJV
Jane Drews4Rochelle NoviceNovice
Alyssa Frewen5Glenbard West Topper TourneyVarsity
Caitlin Grudzinski5Hersey JV TourneyJV
Josh Durham5Wheaton North Technicolor TournamentVarsity
Julia Wood5Hersey JV TourneyJV
Malorie Masek5Huntley Varsity and Novice TournamentVarsity
Stephanie Flowers5Into the Woods: Winter JamboreeVarsity
Cassie Snyder6Buffalo Grove Tournament of MittensVarsity
Colleen Derosa6Naperville Central Tournament of RosesVarsity
Colleen Derosa6Rolling Meadows Varsity TournamentVarsity
Emily Olsen642nd Annual Maine InvitationalVarsity
Jane Drews6Warren Novice TournamentJV
Josh Durham6Plainfield North H.S. InvitationalVarsity
Stephanie Flowers6Downers Grove South Novice InvitationalNovice
Julia WoodFin.Rochelle InvitationalNovice
Malorie MasekFin.Plainfield North H.S. InvitationalVarsity
Novice Final results
Julia Wood2Huntley Varsity and Novice TournamentNovice
Next-in Final results
Stephanie Flowers442nd Annual Maine InvitationalVarsity

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