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Team results

St. Pius X / St. Leo Duet Acting

Competitor(s) from St. Pius X / St. Leo

Viewing results from 2021-2022. Change season:

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Final results
Anna Kubat and Nola Herfordt2Creighton Prep Pecking Order XI Middle School MeetMS-Open
Jonah Risch Bakhit and Luke Engel2Millard North Middle School InviteMiddle
Kailey Hennessey and Maire Weist4Millard North Middle School InviteMiddle
Chris Tollo and Jack Hillebrandt5Millard North Middle School InviteMiddle
Kailey Hennessey and Maire Weist6Creighton Prep Pecking Order XI Middle School MeetMS-Open
Anna Kubat and Nola HerfordtFin.Millard North Middle School InviteMiddle
Helen Christen and Violet ChristenFin.Millard North Middle School InviteMiddle
Charlotte Gautschi and Rayla Voor VartFin.Millard North Middle School InviteMiddle
Elli Jones and Molly RobbFin.Millard North Middle School InviteMiddle
Aiman Alam and Kathryn NovotnyFin.Millard North Middle School InviteMiddle
Anas Alam and Jonathan WalkerFin.Millard North Middle School InviteMiddle
Christian Tanhueco and Leo HarrFin.Millard North Middle School InviteMiddle
McKinley Toft and Saron GoitomFin.Millard North Middle School InviteMiddle
Averie Reinders-Willis and Grace DjossouFin.Millard North Middle School InviteMiddle

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