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Team results

Omaha Skutt Catholic Duet Acting

Competitor(s) from Omaha Skutt Catholic

Viewing results from 2023-2024. Change season:

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Final results
Anna Wagner and Ryan Wolfe1NSAA District A-1/B-2 (Bellevue West)Class B-2
Aleena Carlisle and Sara Kakish2NSAA District A-1/B-2 (Bellevue West)Class B-2
Aleena Carlisle and Sara Kakish2Panther ClassicVarsity
Anna Wagner and Ryan Wolfe2SkyHawk Speech High School InvitationalVarsity
Aleena Carlisle and Sara Kakish4SkyHawk Speech High School InvitationalVarsity
Anna Wagner and Ryan Wolfe4NSAA State Speech Championships 2024Class B
Aleena Carlisle and Sara Kakish5David City InvitationalVarsity
Jack Dahms and Lucy Hascall5Panther ClassicVarsity
Abigail Sommer and Annie Herfordt6David City InvitationalVarsity
Addy Osborn and Andrea O'Neill6SkyHawk Speech High School InvitationalVarsity
Kate Bathel and Kirsten Moodley6Panther ClassicVarsity
Next-in Final results
Anna Wagner and Ryan Wolfe1David City InvitationalVarsity
Anna Wagner and Ryan Wolfe1Panther ClassicVarsity
Abigail Sommer and Annie Herfordt2Panther ClassicVarsity
Abigail Sommer and Annie Herfordt2Space RaceVarsity
Anna Wagner and Ryan Wolfe3Space RaceVarsity
Jack Dahms and Lucy Hascall4David City InvitationalVarsity
Kate Bathel and Kirsten Moodley5David City InvitationalVarsity
Consolation Final results
Benjamin R. Pelzer and Zach Brown4Space RaceVarsity
Aleena Carlisle and Sara Kakish5Space RaceVarsity

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