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Team results

Millard North Persuasive Speaking

Competitor(s) from Millard North

Viewing results from 2019-2020. Change season:

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Consolation Two results
Akhil Ganti3Lincoln Southwest Silver TalonVarsity
Final results
Anusha Deshpande1Thunderbird InvitationalVarsity
Elaine Whetstine1Lincoln Southeast Holiday JoustVarsity
Haiven Ashton1Greater Omaha League of Debate ThreeNovice
Jack MacFadyen1Titan Talker Souper BowlVarsity
Sunny Mallina1Chieftain InvitationalVarsity
Yazeed Abayazid1Ashland-Greenwood Oxbow InvitationalNovice
Yazeed Abayazid1Greater Omaha League of Debate FourNovice
Anjana Murugan2Capital City ClassicNovice
Anjana Murugan2Titan Talker Souper BowlVarsity
Chethana Deeduvanu2Beaus and Belles of the Bayou TournamentVarsity
Jack MacFadyen2Capital City ClassicVarsity
Siddu Gillella2Central Players InvitationalVarsity
Siddu Gillella2Lincoln Southeast Holiday JoustVarsity
Siddu Gillella2Papillion LaVista South High School InviteVarsity
Siddu Gillella2SquashfestVarsity
Srila Prathivadhi-Bhayankaram2Greater Omaha League of Debate FourNovice
Yazeed Abayazid2Greater Omaha League of Debate ThreeNovice
Akhil Ganti3Chieftain InvitationalVarsity
Anjana Murugan3Ashland-Greenwood Oxbow InvitationalVarsity
Anjana Murugan3Greater Omaha League of Debate FourNovice
Arjun Ramesh3Thunderbird InvitationalVarsity
Chethana Deeduvanu3Lincoln Northeast Space RaceVarsity
Elaine Whetstine3SquashfestVarsity
Sharhana Shrestha3Capital City ClassicVarsity
Archanaa Srinivas4Ashland-Greenwood Oxbow InvitationalNovice
Archanaa Srinivas4Greater Omaha League of Debate ThreeNovice
Bridget Neville4Papillion LaVista South High School InviteVarsity
Bridget Neville4Thunderbird InvitationalVarsity
Haiven Ashton4Capital City ClassicNovice
Mahalakshmi Vodnala4Titan Talker Souper BowlVarsity
Siddu Gillella4Chieftain InvitationalVarsity
Arjun Ramesh5Lincoln Southeast Holiday JoustVarsity
Bridget Neville5Lincoln Northeast Space RaceVarsity
Chethana Deeduvanu5Fremont High School InviteVarsity
Chethana Deeduvanu5SquashfestVarsity
Haiven Ashton5Ashland-Greenwood Oxbow InvitationalVarsity
Haiven Ashton5Titan Talker Souper BowlVarsity
Akhil Ganti6Capital City ClassicVarsity
Alexis Eck6Greater Omaha League of Debate ThreeNovice
Bavishya Bachu6Lincoln Southeast Holiday JoustVarsity
Chethana Deeduvanu6Thunderbird InvitationalVarsity
Mahika Kanchanam6Fremont High School InviteVarsity
Sharhana Shrestha6Beaus and Belles of the Bayou TournamentVarsity
Next-in Final results
Siddu Gillella1Lincoln Northeast Space RaceVarsity
Siddu Gillella1Lincoln Southwest Silver TalonVarsity
Sneha Selvaraj1Central Players InvitationalVarsity
Elaine Whetstine2Lincoln Southwest Silver TalonVarsity
Saketh Maddipati2Beaus and Belles of the Bayou TournamentVarsity
Pranavi Athota3Lincoln Southwest Silver TalonVarsity
Teju Boinpally4Lincoln Southeast Holiday JoustVarsity
Akhil Ganti6Central Players InvitationalVarsity
Merit Final results
Noah Christensen6Lincoln Northeast Space RaceVarsity
Consolation Final results
Sneha Selvaraj6Lincoln Southwest Silver TalonVarsity

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