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Team results

Waterloo Humorous Duet Acting

Competitor(s) from Waterloo

Viewing results from 2009-2010. Change season:

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Final results
Aaron Vento and Eric Schremp2Harrisburg EFL TournamentVarsity
Rebecca Ries and Samantha Myers6Benton EFL TournamentJV
Becki Ries and Samantha Meyers6East St. Louis EFL TournamentJV
Becki Ries and Samantha Meyers6Harrisburg EFL TournamentJV
Amanda Kowalccyzk and Ashley RickertFin.O'Fallon EFL TournamentVarsity
JV Final results
Samantha Meyers and Becki Ries1Chatham Glenwood EFL TournamentJV
Ben Ottolini and Luke Hartenstein1Belleville West EFL TournamentJV
Ben Ottolini and Luke Hartenstein2O'Fallon EFL TournamentJV
Ben Ottolini and Luke Hartenstein5East St. Louis EFL TournamentJV
Haleigh Sperry and Nathan Wilson6Chatham Glenwood EFL TournamentJV

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