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Team results

Downers Grove South Humorous Duet Acting

Competitor(s) from Downers Grove South

Viewing results from 2009-2010. Change season:

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Final results
Alissa Wicklein and Becca Zeman1Wheaton North Technicolor TournamentVarsity
1IHSA Regional - Hinsdale CentralVarsity
Chris Reusz and Stephanie Coupland1Downers Grove South Novice InvitationalNovice
Chris Reusz and Stephanie Coupland1Warren Novice TournamentJV
Dan Leahy and Taylor Roberts1Hersey JV TourneyJV
Dan Leahy and Taylor Roberts1Rochelle NoviceNovice
John Junk and Stephanie Flowers1WVHS 'The Reel Thing'Varsity
Lillie Kase and Suban Suhail1Rolling Meadows Varsity TournamentVarsity
Billy Chengary and Michele McCarthy1Fremd High School InvitationalVarsity
Rihdika Kartan and Ryan Breig1Downers Grove South Varsity TournamentVarsity
Wicklein and Zeman1David Scheidecker Memorial TournamentVarsity
Alex Bahaveolos and Austin Houar2Fremd High School InvitationalVarsity
Alissa Wicklein and Becca Zeman2Tiger TourneyVarsity
2IHSA Sectional - Downers Grove SouthVarsity
Chris Reusz and Stephanie Coupland2Hersey JV TourneyJV
Chris Reusz and Stephanie Coupland2Rochelle NoviceNovice
Lillie Kase and Suban Suhail2Buffalo Grove Tournament of MittensVarsity
Lillie Kase and Suban Suhail2Huntley Varsity and Novice TournamentVarsity
Billy Chengary and Michele McCarthy2Naperville Central Tournament of RosesVarsity
Billy Chengary and Michele McCarthy2Plainfield North H.S. InvitationalVarsity
Alex Bahaveolos and Austin Houar3Reed-Custer New Year InvitationalVarsity
Alissa Wicklein and Becca Zeman3Downers Grove South Varsity TournamentVarsity
Alissa Wicklein and Becca Zeman3Glenbard West Topper TourneyVarsity
Dan Leahy and Taylor Roberts3Downers Grove South Novice InvitationalNovice
Dan Leahy and Taylor Roberts3Warren Novice TournamentJV
Lillie Kase and Suban Suhail3The 1st Annual 218 Fling!Varsity
Mason Maguire and Ray Miran3Reed-Custer New Year InvitationalVarsity
Billy Chengary and Michele McCarthy342nd Annual Maine InvitationalVarsity
Rihdika Kartan and Ryan Breig3Into the Woods: Winter JamboreeVarsity
Alissa Wicklein and Becca Zeman4Into the Woods: Winter JamboreeVarsity
Alissa Wicklein and Becca Zeman4Naperville Central Tournament of RosesVarsity
Dan Leahy and Taylor Roberts4Buffalo Grove Tournament of MittensVarsity
Lillie Kase and Suban Suhail4Plainfield North H.S. InvitationalVarsity
Billy Chengary and Michele McCarthy4Huntley Varsity and Novice TournamentVarsity
Rihdika Kartan and Ryan Breig442nd Annual Maine InvitationalVarsity
Alissa Wicklein and Becca Zeman5Plainfield North H.S. InvitationalVarsity
Lillie Kase and Suban Suhail5Naperville Central Tournament of RosesVarsity
Jack LeBaron and Lucas Welker5Rochelle NoviceNovice
Billy Chengary and Michele McCarthy5Downers Grove South Varsity TournamentVarsity
Adam Newton and Grace Grannon6WVHS 'The Reel Thing'Varsity
Alex Bahaveolos and Austin Houar6Huntley Varsity and Novice TournamentVarsity
Chris Reusz and Stephanie Coupland6Reed-Custer New Year InvitationalVarsity
Ken Deem and Maddie Snyder6Fremd High School InvitationalVarsity
Ken Deem and Maddie Snyder6Tiger TourneyVarsity
Rihdika Kartan and Ryan Breig6Glenbard West Topper TourneyVarsity
Adam Newton and Grace GrannonFin.Reed-Custer New Year InvitationalVarsity
Billy Chengary and Michele McCarthyFin.Elk Grove TournamentVarsity
Billy Chengary and Michele McCarthyFin.Into the Woods: Winter JamboreeVarsity
Novice Final results
Chris Reusz and Stephanie Coupland1Rochelle InvitationalNovice
Jack LeBaron and Lucas Welker5Huntley Varsity and Novice TournamentNovice
Next-in Final results
Billy Chengary and Michele McCarthy1Buffalo Grove Tournament of MittensVarsity
Rihdika Kartan and Ryan Breig1Rolling Meadows Varsity TournamentVarsity
Ken Deem and Maddie Snyder4Buffalo Grove Tournament of MittensVarsity
Billy Chengary and Michele McCarthy5Rolling Meadows Varsity TournamentVarsity
John Junk and Stephanie FlowersFin.42nd Annual Maine InvitationalVarsity

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