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Team results

Belleville West Humorous Duet Acting

Competitor(s) from Belleville West

Viewing results from 2018-2019. Change season:

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Final results
Alex Johnson and Reily Wills1Benton SISAL TournamentVarsity
Alex Johnson and Reily Wills1IHSA Regional - Belleville (West)Varsity
Alex Johnson and Reily Wills1IHSA Sectional - Chatham (Glenwood)Varsity
Alex Johnson and Reily Wills1Marion SISAL TournamentVarsity
Alex Johnson and Reily Wills1Mt. Vernon SISAL TournamentVarsity
Alex Johnson and Reily Wills2Waterloo SISAL TournamentVarsity
Alex Johnson and Reily Wills3Belleville West SISAL TournamentVarsity
Emily Bechtold and Max Juhas3Waterloo SISAL TournamentVarsity
Alex Johnson and Reily Wills6Wheaton Warrenville South Tiger TourneyVarsity
Emily Bechtold and Max Juhas6Elk Grove InvitationalVarsity
Emily Bechtold and Max JuhasFin.Mt. Vernon SISAL TournamentVarsity
Emily Bechtold and Max JuhasFin.Wheaton Warrenville South Tiger TourneyVarsity
JV Final results
Clara Baldus and Thomas Stogner3Mt. Vernon SISAL TournamentJV
Clara Baldus and Thomas Stogner6Marion SISAL TournamentJV
Khaleo Price and Will Weck6Belleville West SISAL TournamentJV
Khaleo Price and Will Weck6Benton SISAL TournamentJV
Next-in Final results
Alex Johnson and Reily Wills2Elk Grove InvitationalVarsity

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