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Team results

Fishers Humorous Interpretation

Competitor(s) from Fishers

Viewing results from 2019-2020. Change season:

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Final results
Cassie Meyer1Hamilton Country InvitationalVarsity
Cassie Meyer1Southport Speech & Debate SmackdownVarsity
Kayla Gregory1Hamilton Country InvitationalNovice
Nick Kantner1Franklin Central Speech and Debate MeetVarsity
Nick Kantner1IUPUC/Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational Speech TournamentVarsity
Nick Kantner1Red Carpet AffairVarsity
Cassie Meyer2Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Cassie Meyer2Red Carpet AffairVarsity
Kayla Gregory2Southport Speech & Debate SmackdownNovice
Nick Kantner2Hamilton Country InvitationalVarsity
Nick Kantner2IHSFA Section 5 at Westfield (2020)Varsity
Trey Weger2Hamilton Country InvitationalNovice
Trey Weger2Hoosier Heartland & Crossroads NSDA District SpeechCrossroads
Kayla Gregory3IUPUC/Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational Speech TournamentVarsity
Kayla Gregory3The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentVarsity
Nathaniel Lewis3Red Carpet AffairVarsity
Nick Kantner3Robin Whited Memorial Speech TournamentVarsity
Nick Kantner3Southport Speech & Debate SmackdownVarsity
Jasmine Coomber4Hamilton Country InvitationalNovice
Nathaniel Lewis4IUPUC/Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational Speech TournamentVarsity
Nathaniel Lewis4Southport Speech & Debate SmackdownNovice
Trey Weger4Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Cassie Meyer5IHSFA Section 5 at Westfield (2020)Varsity
Natalie Rund5Hamilton Country InvitationalVarsity
Nathaniel Lewis5Hamilton Country InvitationalNovice
Nick Kantner5The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentVarsity
Jasmine Coomber6IUPUC/Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational Speech TournamentVarsity
Jasmine Coomber6The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentVarsity
Trey Weger6Robin Whited Memorial Speech TournamentVarsity
Natalie RundFin.IUPUC/Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational Speech TournamentVarsity
Natalie RundFin.Southport Speech & Debate SmackdownVarsity
Nathaniel LewisFin.Robin Whited Memorial Speech TournamentVarsity
Jasmine CoomberFin.Southport Speech & Debate SmackdownNovice
Next-in Final results
Cassie Meyer1Munster High School Speech MeetVarsity
Natalie Rund1The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentVarsity
Natalie Rund3Munster High School Speech MeetVarsity
Trey Weger4The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentVarsity
Nathaniel Lewis5The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentVarsity

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