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Team results

Culver Academies Impromptu Speaking

Competitor(s) from Culver Academies

Viewing results from 2018-2019. Change season:

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Final results
Alan Yang1Col. William Northam Memorial TournamentVarsity
Alice Shao1Col. William Northam Memorial TournamentNovice
Alice Shao1The Mangy Lion Winter Classic Novice
Kianna Guo1Plymouth High School - Novice FestivalNovice
Molly McGrane1IHSFA Section 4 at Rossville (2019)Varsity
Molly McGrane1The Mangy Lion Winter Classic Varsity
Molly McGrane2Col. William Northam Memorial TournamentVarsity
Ophelia Zhu2Col. William Northam Memorial TournamentNovice
Sherry Xie2Valparaiso High School Speech TournamentVarsity
Steven Su2Plymouth High School - Novice FestivalNovice
Steven Su2The Mangy Lion Winter Classic Novice
Jack Wilkins3Col. William Northam Memorial TournamentNovice
Jack Wilkins3Plymouth High School - Novice FestivalNovice
Kianna Guo3The Mangy Lion Winter Classic Novice
Maia Yang3The Mangy Lion Winter Classic Varsity
Molly McGrane3Valparaiso High School Speech TournamentVarsity
Sherry Xie3IHSFA Section 4 at Rossville (2019)Varsity
Alan Yang4IHSFA Section 4 at Rossville (2019)Varsity
Helen Wang4The Mangy Lion Winter Classic Novice
Kianna Guo4Col. William Northam Memorial TournamentNovice
Ophelia Zhu4Plymouth High School - Novice FestivalNovice
Sherry Xie4The Mangy Lion Winter Classic Varsity
Jack Wilkins5IHSFA Section 4 at Rossville (2019)Varsity
Yanfu Cheng5Col. William Northam Memorial TournamentNovice
Yanfu Cheng5Plymouth High School - Novice FestivalNovice
Yonfu Cheng5The Mangy Lion Winter Classic Novice
Nicole Pare'6The Mangy Lion Winter Classic Varsity
Maia YangFin.Col. William Northam Memorial TournamentVarsity
Novice Final results
Kianna Guo1Plymouth High School - John Oliver InvitationalNovice
Steven Su2Chesterton - Shannon Skeffington MemorialNovice
Ophelia Zhu3Chesterton - Shannon Skeffington MemorialNovice
Jack Wilkins4Chesterton - Shannon Skeffington MemorialNovice
Steven Su4Plymouth High School - John Oliver InvitationalNovice
Ryan Wu5Chesterton - Shannon Skeffington MemorialNovice
Yonfu Cheng5Plymouth High School - John Oliver InvitationalNovice
Yonfu Cheng6Chesterton - Shannon Skeffington MemorialNovice
Next-in Final results
Molly McGrane2Plymouth High School - John Oliver InvitationalVarsity

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