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Team results

Hermantown Duo Interpretation

Competitor(s) from Hermantown

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Final results
Abby Kukowski and Alice Meichsner1Grand Rapids Speech FestVarsity
Brian Keiper and Mari Scilex3Hibbing HeartbreakerVarsity
Abby Kukowski and Alice Meichsner4MSHSL Section 7AA TournamentVarsity
Grace Marchand and Olivia Hintsala4Golden Bear Speech ExtravaganzaVarsity
Addi Cornelius and Patrick Eddelston5Grand Rapids Speech FestVarsity
Grace Marchand and Olivia Hintsala6MSHSL Section 7AA TournamentVarsity
Grace Marchand and Olivia HintsalaFin.57th Annual Denfeld Rotary TournamentVarsity
Next-in Final results
Laura Dahlin and Samantha Stephenson1Grand Rapids Speech FestVarsity
Laura Dahlin and Samantha Stephenson2Golden Bear Speech ExtravaganzaVarsity
Chloe Salmela and Jillian Howard3Golden Bear Speech ExtravaganzaVarsity
Brian Keiper and Damaris Scilex457th Annual Denfeld Rotary TournamentVarsity
Allicia Petrich and Therese Gannucci5Golden Bear Speech ExtravaganzaVarsity
Grace Marchand and Olivia Hintsala5Forest Lake Invitational - R.C. Streater ClassicVarsity
Abby Kukowski and Alice MeichsnerFin.57th Annual Denfeld Rotary TournamentVarsity
Abby Kukowski and Alice MeichsnerFin.Chuck Beckman MemorialVarsity
Merit Final results
Grace Marchand and Olivia Hintsala1Chuck Beckman MemorialVarsity

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