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Team results

Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton Duo Interpretation

Competitor(s) from Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Final results
Alex Kelso and Caleb Hoagland1Detroit LakesVarsity
Alex Kelso and Caleb Hoagland1MSHSL Subsection 30 (8A)Varsity
Alex Kelso and Caleb Hoagland2Bemidji Lumberjack InvitationalVarsity
Jacob Schoenborn and Mikah Lizotte2Crookston Pirate JV TournamentNovice
Alex Kelso and Caleb Hoagland3Brainerd OpenVarsity
Alex Kelso and Caleb Hoagland3Dilworth Glyndon FeltonVarsity
Alex Kelso and Caleb Hoagland3MSHSL Section 8A TournamentVarsity
Jacob Schoenborn and Mikah Lizotte3MSHSL Subsection 30 (8A)Varsity
Jacob Schoenborn and Mikah Lizotte4Underwood Lions Junior High InvitationalMiddle
Pernilla Petersen and Sophia Hunter4Crookston Pirate JV TournamentNovice
Pernilla Petersen and Sophie Hunter5Dilworth Glyndon FeltonVarsity
Brayden Johnson and Brayden Manston6Crookston Pirate JV TournamentNovice
Pernilla Petersen and Sophia Hunter6MSHSL Subsection 30 (8A)Varsity
Alex Kelso and Caleb HoaglandFin.Underwood Lions InvitationalVarsity
Drew Severtson and Maddi Haguen Fin.Underwood Lions InvitationalVarsity
Jacob Schoenborn and Mikah LizotteFin.Detroit LakesVarsity
Next-in Final results
Alex Kelso and Caleb Hoagland2Chuck Beckman MemorialVarsity
Drew Severtson and Maddi Haguen 2Otter OrationsVarsity
Jacob Schoenborn and Mikah Lizotte3Brainerd OpenVarsity

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