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Team results

Marshall Duo Interpretation

Competitor(s) from Marshall

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Final results
Isaiah Schroeder and Jack Pedersen1Big South Conference TournamentVarsity
Isaiah Schroeder and Jack Pedersen1Pipestone Arrow TournamentVarsity
Daniel Van Keulen and Nacho Larios2Prior Lake High School Laker Speech TournamentVarsity
Daniel Van Keulen and Nacho Larios3Pipestone Arrow TournamentVarsity
Isaiah Schroeder and Jack Pedersen3Chaska High School Speech TournamentVarsity
Jadzia Nigg and John Smentek4MSHSL 2AA North/West Subsection TournamentVarsity
Daniel Van Keulen and Nacho Larios5Chaska High School Speech TournamentVarsity
Danny Smith and Zaakir Hassan5Pipestone Arrow TournamentVarsity
Isaiah Schroeder and Jack Pedersen5Prior Lake High School Laker Speech TournamentVarsity
Jadzia Nigg and John Smentek5MSHSL 2AA Section TournamentVarsity
Jadzia Nigg and John Smentek6Pipestone Arrow TournamentVarsity
Savannah Boedigheimer and Stephen Zimmer6Big South Conference TournamentVarsity
Savannah Boedigheimer and Stephen Zimmer6Chanhassen High School Speech TournamentNovice
Savannah Boedigheimer and Stephen Zimmer6MSHSL 2AA North/West Subsection TournamentVarsity
Savannah Boedigheimer and Stephen Zimmer6MSHSL 2AA Section TournamentVarsity
Daniel Van Keulen and Nacho LariosFin.Star Tribune Eastview Lightning ClassicChampionship
Next-in Final results
Daniel Van Keulen and Nacho Larios1Eagan Wildcat InvitationalVarsity
Daniel Van Keulen and Nacho Larios2Shakopee Saber Speech Invitational 2018Varsity
Jadzia Nigg and John Smentek4Shakopee Saber Speech Invitational 2018Varsity
Alex Gergen and Dakota Edens6Shakopee Saber Speech Invitational 2018Varsity
Jadzia Nigg and John Smentek6Prior Lake High School Laker Speech TournamentVarsity
Savannah Boedigheimer and Stephen ZimmerFin.Chaska High School Speech TournamentVarsity

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