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Team results

Christ's Household of Faith Duo Interpretation

Competitor(s) from Christ's Household of Faith

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Final results
William Harms and Zac Otten1Jordan Junior High InvitationalRegular
Esther Scheeler and Matea Scheeler3Jordan Junior High InvitationalRegular
Esther Scheeler and Matea Scheeler3Westonka Junior HighJunior
Brooke Harms and Olivia Bratzel4Westonka Junior HighJunior
Esther Scheeler and Matea Scheeler4SSP Packer Middle School/Jr High InvitationalRegular
Gavin Harms and Sam Otten4Eye of the Tiger (Lake City, MN)Varsity
Claire Isakson and William Harms5SSP Packer Middle School/Jr High InvitationalRegular
Julianna Moore and Leila Simonson5Westonka Junior HighJunior
Aiden Harms and Steven Schutz6Westonka Junior HighJunior
Gianna Piepkorn and Jacqueline Schuett6Jordan Junior High InvitationalRegular
Julianna Moore and Leila Simonson6SSP Packer Middle School/Jr High InvitationalRegular
Gianna Piepkorn and Jacqueline SchuettFin.SSP Packer Middle School/Jr High InvitationalRegular
William Harms and Zac OttenFin.Eye of the Tiger (Lake City, MN)Varsity
Brady Bluhm and McCaleb AllemanFin.Eye of the Tiger (Lake City, MN)Varsity

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