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Team results

Fergus Falls Duo Interpretation

Competitor(s) from Fergus Falls

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Final results
Caden Litt and Reno Schierer4Breckenridge Lions InvitationalVarsity
Ben Schierer and Nick Flugstad5Breckenridge Lions InvitationalVarsity
Ayva Fultz and Tabi Smith6West Central Area InvitationalVarsity
Isabella Nehk and Tyler Hauge6Otter OrationsVarsity
Mary Grotberg and Tommy Bowman6Detroit LakesVarsity
Mary Grotberg and Tommy Bowman6MSHSL 8AA North Subsection TournamentVarsity
Takaira Sheldon and Tommy Bowman6Alexandria Cardinal InviteVarsity
Ayva Fultz and Tabi SmithFin.Central Lakes Conference MeetVarsity
Takaira Sheldon and Tommy BowmanFin.Minnewaska Area High School Speech InvitationalVarsity
Elizabeth Grotberg and Kendal NygaardFin.Detroit LakesVarsity
Isabella Nehk and Tyler HaugeFin.Alexandria Cardinal InviteVarsity
Mary Grotberg and Tommy BowmanFin.Central Lakes Conference MeetVarsity
Elizabeth Grotberg and Kendal NygaardFin.Central Lakes Conference MeetVarsity
Ayva Fultz and Brandyn GillundFin.Minnewaska Area High School Speech InvitationalVarsity
Next-in Final results
Mary Grotberg and Tommy Bowman1Sauk Centre Speech TournamentVarsity
Elizabeth Grotberg and Kendal Nygaard2Sauk Centre Speech TournamentVarsity
Ayva Fultz and Brandyn Gillund3Otter OrationsVarsity

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