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Team results

Munster High School Duo Interpretation

Competitor(s) from Munster High School

Viewing results from 2019-2020. Change season:

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Final results
Emma Powell and Mackenzie Stricklin1Crown Point Speech TournamentVarsity
Jack Sullivan and Michael McDunn1Plymouth HS Snowmageddon InvitationalVarsity
Alyssa Nahnsen and Sami Muhrez1IHSFA Section 1 at Chesterton (2020)Varsity
Clare Regan and Julianna Dodge2Valparaiso High School Speech Invitational 1Novice
Charles Iverson and Drew Westland 2Penn High School Speech TournamentVarsity
Jack Sullivan and Michael McDunn2IHSFA Section 1 at Chesterton (2020)Varsity
Charlie Mason and Noel Fary2Bradley University's George Armstrong Heart of Illinois HS InvitationalOpen
Francis Hovland and Rajiv Kalluri2Crown Point Speech TournamentVarsity
Alyssa Nahnsen and Sami Muhrez2Plymouth HS Snowmageddon InvitationalVarsity
Charles Iverson and Drew Westland 3IHSFA Section 1 at Chesterton (2020)Varsity
Michael Casner and Myanne Zachary3Crown Point Speech TournamentVarsity
Charles Iverson and Drew Westland 4Crown Point Speech TournamentVarsity
Emma Powell and Mackenzie Stricklin4Valparaiso High School Speech Invitational 2Varsity
Jack Sullivan and Mikey McDunn4Bradley University's George Armstrong Heart of Illinois HS InvitationalOpen
Nicholas Eng and Roman Garcia4Bishop Noll Speech MeetNovice
Dori Clousing and Mikey Dempsey 5Chesterton Speech TournamentVarsity
Charles Iverson and Drew Westland 5Valparaiso High School Speech Invitational 2Varsity
Alyssa Nahnsen and Sami Muhrez5Bishop Noll Speech MeetVarsity
Alyssa Nahnsen and Sami Muhrez5Bradley University's George Armstrong Heart of Illinois HS InvitationalOpen
Clare Regan and Julianna Dodge6Bishop Noll Speech MeetNovice
Emma Powell and Mackenzie Stricklin6IHSFA Section 1 at Chesterton (2020)Varsity
Jack Sullivan and Michael McDunn6AVHS MinneappleVarsity
Francis Hovland and Rajiv Kalluri6Bradley University's George Armstrong Heart of Illinois HS InvitationalOpen
Dori Clousing and Mikey Dempsey Fin.Valparaiso High School Speech Invitational 1Varsity
Novice Final results
Clare Regan and Julianna Dodge1Chesterton Speech TournamentNovice
Next-in Final results
Emma Powell and Mackenzie Stricklin5Plymouth HS Snowmageddon InvitationalVarsity

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