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Team results

Trek North Duo Interpretation

Competitor(s) from Trek North

Viewing results from 2011-2012. Change season:

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Final results
Rowan Johnson and Sam Boston2Grand Rapids Early BirdVarsity
CJ Merhar and Libby Sorenson3Drakes Speech TournamentVarsity
CJ Merhar and Libby Sorenson4MSHSL Subsection 29A TournamentVarsity
Elaina Sewall and Zoe Davenport4Drakes Speech TournamentVarsity
Elaina Sewall and Zoe Davenport5MSHSL Subsection 29A TournamentVarsity
Rowan Johnson and Sam Boston5Grand Rapids Speech FestivalVarsity
CJ Merhar and Libby Sorenson6Bemidji Lumberjack InvitationalVarsity
CJ Merhar and Libby SorensonFin.Grand Rapids Speech FestivalVarsity
Elana Sewall and Zoe DavenportFin.Grand Rapids Early BirdVarsity
CJ Merhar and Libby SorensonFin.Grand Rapids Early BirdVarsity
Next-in Final results
Elaina Sewall and Zoe Davenport1Bemidji Lumberjack InvitationalVarsity
Elaina Sewall and Zoe Davenport41st National Bank of WalkerVarsity

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