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Team results

Mullen High School Duo Interpretation

Competitor(s) from Mullen High School

Viewing results from 2020-2021. Change season:

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Final results
Josh Marsh and Madelyn Tran1Rocky Mountain South National Qualifying Tournament Varsity
Ethan Griffin and Jeffer Ng2Mile High InvitationalVarsity
Ethan Griffin and Jeffer Ng3SMART Academy InvitationalVarsity
Josh Marsh and Madelyn Tran3Marshall Speech SpectacularVarsity
Ariana Linhardt and Maggie Baughman4Mile High InvitationalVarsity
Ethan Griffin and Jeffer Ng4Colorado CupVarsity
Josh Marsh and Madelyn Tran4SMART Academy InvitationalVarsity
Josh Marsh and Madelyn Tran4The Patriot Games @ 5280Varsity
Ethan Griffin and Jeffer Ng5Marshall Speech SpectacularVarsity
Josh Marsh and Madelyn Tran5CHSAA Region II State Qualifying TournamentVarsity
Josh Marsh and Madelyn Tran6Colorado CupVarsity
Josh Marsh and Madelyn Tran6Mile High InvitationalVarsity
Rachel Muhr and Sarah Muhr6Marshall Speech SpectacularVarsity
Next-in Final results
Ethan Griffin and Jeffer NgFin.East Ridge Raptor Invitational 2021Varsity

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