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Team results

Munster Debate 2-Person Policy Debate

Competitor(s) from Munster Debate

Viewing results from 2019-2020. Change season:

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Final results
Aidan Torabi and Ajitesh Lalam1Winter Wonderland Novice
Emma Herring and Uyai Edet1Kokomo High School DebateNovice
Ajitesh Lalam and Shreya Patel2Kokomo High School DebateNovice
Carina Crisan and Ellie Brennan2Larry B. Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentVarsity
Hiba Fatima and Naomi Fefferman2Larry B. Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentNovice
Emma Herring and Uyai Edet3Winter Wonderland Novice
Hiba Fatima and Naomi Fefferman3Kokomo High School DebateNovice
George Dimopoulos and Keira Hawk4Winter Wonderland Varsity
Robbie Tengdin and Surajpal Singh4Kokomo High School DebateVarsity
Holden Buchmeier and Uyai Edet5Larry B. Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentNovice
Gavin Kenning and Suragi Singh6Winter Wonderland Varsity
Aishik Dhori and Gavin KenningFin.Larry B. Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentVarsity
Ajitesh Lalam and Shreya PatelFin.Larry B. Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentNovice

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