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Team results

Chesterton 2-Person Policy Debate

Competitor(s) from Chesterton

Viewing results from 2011-2012. Change season:

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Final results
Jon Vincent and Justin Reed1Plymouth Debate InvitationalVarsity
Kalina Smith and Victoria Simms1IHSFA State Debate Tournament 2012Varsity
Kalina Smith and Victoria Simms1Larry B Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentVarsity
Andrew Caratini and Cassidy Peretin2Larry B Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentVarsity
Katherine Bolek and Nadia Mario2Northrop Debate TournamentNovice
Michael Anderson and TJ Jaeger2Plymouth Debate InvitationalVarsity
Alex Geetski and Andrew Jugovic3Northrop Debate TournamentNovice
Alex Genetski and Andrew Jugovic3Plymouth Debate InvitationalNovice
Jon Vincent and Justin Reed3Northrop Debate TournamentVarsity
Simon Andrews and Zach Bogich3Plymouth Debate InvitationalVarsity
Katherine Bolek and Nadia Mario4Plymouth Debate InvitationalNovice
Simon Andrews and Zach Bogich4Northrop Debate TournamentVarsity
Kalina Smith and Victoria Simms5Northrop Debate TournamentVarsity
Kalina Smith and Victoria Simms5Plymouth Debate InvitationalVarsity
Alex Genetski and Andrew JugovicFin.Larry B Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentNovice
Jon Vincent and Justin ReedFin.Larry B Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentVarsity
Katherine Bolete and Molly BaezaFin.Larry B Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentNovice
Emily Perceifield and Kaley BrownFin.Larry B Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentVarsity
Elaine Tagert and Humaria KhanFin.Larry B Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentVarsity
Simon Andrews and Zach BogichFin.Larry B Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentVarsity

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