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Team results

Park Tudor High School Lincoln Douglas Debate

Competitor(s) from Park Tudor High School

Viewing results from 2020-2021. Change season:

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Final results
Annie Flowers1IHSFA State Debate TournamentVarsity
Abigail Langer3The Ronnie Swango Celebratory Debate Costume BashNovice
Maggie Hayward3Crown Point High School Virtual Debate TournamentVarsity
Annie Flowers4Chesterton High School Debate tournament #2Varsity
Audrey Pan5Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Abigail Langer6Munster Virtual Debate MeetNovice
Annie Flowers6Crown Point High School Virtual Debate TournamentVarsity
Annie Flowers6Munster Virtual Debate MeetVarsity
Ellie Rogers6Crown Point High School Virtual Debate TournamentNovice
Rex Burkman6Chesterton High School Debate tournament #2Varsity
Rex Burkman6Fishers Speech and Debate Virtual TournamentVarsity
Rex BurkmanFin.Munster Virtual Debate MeetVarsity
Aditi DeyFin.Munster Virtual Debate MeetNovice
Anthony PengFin.Munster Virtual Debate MeetNovice
Ellie RogersFin.Munster Virtual Debate MeetNovice

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