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Team results

Valparaiso Speech Public Forum Debate

Competitor(s) from Valparaiso Speech

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Final results
Conley Knauff and Owen Crews1Munster High School Varsity Debate MeetNovice
Elliott Yu and Keenan Flannery1Munster High School Varsity Debate MeetVarsity
Gerrit Carlson and Kinzie Gamaleldin1LaPorte 'No Snow, Let's Go!' TournamentNovice
Bryce Keeler and Rocktim Chowdhery3Munster High School Varsity Debate MeetNovice
Conley Knauff and Owen Crews3Larry Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentNovice
Elliott Yu and Keenan Flannery3West Lafayette Debate TournamentVarsity
Joey Lavalley and Kyle Kristoff3LaPorte 'No Snow, Let's Go!' TournamentVarsity
Alex Bognar and Zach Hatseras5Munster High School Varsity Debate MeetNovice
Conley Knauff and Owen Crews5West Lafayette Debate TournamentNovice
Casey Nutt and Maureen BernbomFin.West Lafayette Debate TournamentNovice
Grace Provenzano and Nick KoprcinaFin.LaPorte 'No Snow, Let's Go!' TournamentNovice
Alex Bognar and Zach HatserasFin.Chesterton Invitational Debate TournamentNovice
Daniel Hu and Evan FrostFin.Munster High School Varsity Debate MeetVarsity
Alex Bognar and Zach HatserasFin.Larry Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentNovice
Conley Knauff and Owen CrewsFin.LaPorte 'No Snow, Let's Go!' TournamentVarsity
Grace Provenzano and Nick KoprcinaFin.Munster High School Varsity Debate MeetNovice
Joey Lavalley and Kyle KristoffFin.Munster High School Varsity Debate MeetVarsity
Casey Nutt and Maureen BernbomFin.Larry Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentNovice
Gerrit Carlson and Kinzie GamaleldinFin.Munster High School Varsity Debate MeetNovice
Joey Lavalley and Kyle KristoffFin.Larry Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentVarsity
Grace Provenzano and Nick KoprcinaFin.Chesterton Invitational Debate TournamentVarsity
Casey Nutt and Maureen BernbomFin.LaPorte 'No Snow, Let's Go!' TournamentVarsity
Rocktim Chowdhery and Zach HatserasFin.LaPorte 'No Snow, Let's Go!' TournamentVarsity
Kinzie Gamaleldin and Kyle KristoffFin.Chesterton Invitational Debate TournamentVarsity
Maureen Bernbom and Rocktim ChowdheryFin.Chesterton Invitational Debate TournamentVarsity

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