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Team results

Charlotte Catholic High School Public Forum Debate

Competitor(s) from Charlotte Catholic High School

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Final results
Charles Nenichka and Connor Ruff1The Pinecrest OpenVarsity
Dean Antonilli Jr. and Matthew Ruff1The Pinecrest OpenNovice
Fletcher Curran and Harry White1Queens University InvitationalJV
Harry White and Matthew Werner1Steven Davis InvitationalJV
John Webster and Kenneth Campbell1DSDL Novice Championship - March 3rd, 2018Novice
Lucas Boyle and Nicole Astrid Salinas2The Pinecrest OpenNovice
Amanda Merkel and Neeka Arooji3The Pinecrest OpenNovice
Dean Antonilli Jr. and Matthew Ruff3Queens University InvitationalJV
John Webster and Kenneth Campbell5The Pinecrest OpenNovice
Timothy DiVittorio and Wil McKane5Queens University InvitationalVarsity
Mathew Werner and Omeed Arooji6The Pinecrest OpenVarsity
Caleb Schilly and Charles HaltiwangerFin.The Pinecrest OpenVarsity
Timothy DiVittorio and Will McKaneFin.The Pinecrest OpenVarsity
Christopher Hoefling and William ConnerFin.The Pinecrest OpenNovice
Anika Rauch and Elizabeth GregoryFin.The Pinecrest OpenVarsity
Fletcher Curran and Harry WhiteFin.The Pinecrest OpenVarsity
Matthew Rock and Ryan MaFin.The Pinecrest OpenNovice
Roman Rivera and Samuel CrowleyFin.The Pinecrest OpenNovice

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