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Ben Davis Speech Public Forum Debate

Competitor(s) from Ben Davis Speech

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Final results
Henoch Fessehai and Yonas Tewelde5Bloomington South Holiday ClassicNovice
Hala Hersi and Stacy Duran6Bloomington South Holiday ClassicNovice
Fatiha Biodon-Lawal and Fatimah OmotosoFin.LaPorte 'No Snow, Let's Go!' TournamentNovice
Arizbeth Gutierrez and Kierra PhelpsFin.LaPorte 'No Snow, Let's Go!' TournamentNovice
Ayomide Ajao and Nadia IssaFin.Southport Speech & Debate SmackdownVarsity
Veronica Aguilar and Yonas TeweldeFin.LaPorte 'No Snow, Let's Go!' TournamentNovice
Bria Jordan and Deja'Niqua MooreFin.Southport Speech & Debate SmackdownNovice
Hala Hersi and Stacy DuranFin.LaPorte 'No Snow, Let's Go!' TournamentNovice
Kate Sanchez and Zianya Verdejo-JimenezFin.LaPorte 'No Snow, Let's Go!' TournamentNovice
Ashley Hanley and Parker LevyFin.Southport Speech & Debate SmackdownNovice
Justina Oluwayomi and Veronica AguilarFin.Chesterton Invitational Debate TournamentJV
Fatiha Biodon-Lawal and Fatimah OmotosoFin.Chesterton Invitational Debate TournamentJV

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