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Team results

Munster Debate Public Forum Debate

Competitor(s) from Munster Debate

Viewing results from 2018-2019. Change season:

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Final results
Ellie Brennan and Mallika Keralavarma1Munster Varsity Debate MeetNovice
Kathir Venkat and Shreyas Iyer1Dawn Troyer Commemorative Debate TournamentVarsity
Kathir Venkat and Shreyas Iyer1IHSFA State Debate Tournament 2019Varsity
Melissa Mardyla and Shreyas Iyer1Dr. Larry Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentVarsity
Akansha Chauhan and Alison Lee2Dr. Larry Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentNovice
Akansha Chauhan and Alison Lee2Munster Varsity Debate MeetNovice
Emma Stricker and Shriya Iyer2Dr. Larry Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentVarsity
Shreyas Iyer and Shriya Iyer2Munster Varsity Debate MeetVarsity
Blake Marcotte and Sydney Skrobot4Munster Varsity Debate MeetNovice
Emily Sun and Mallika Keralavarma4West Lafayette Debate TournamentNovice
Kathir Venkat and Shreyas IyerFin.West Lafayette Debate TournamentVarsity
Mallika Keralavarma and Sana KhanFin.Dr. Larry Stuber Memorial Debate TournamentNovice
Akansha Chauhan and Alison LeeFin.Start of Winter TournamentNovice

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