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Team results

Fishers Public Forum Debate

Competitor(s) from Fishers

Viewing results from 2019-2020. Change season:

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Final results
Grace Nguyen and Keely Bailey1IUPUC/Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational Speech TournamentVarsity
Lauren Hobson and Srilekha Davuluri1Fishers Debate-o-RamaNovice
Cassidy Robertson and Milan Colzani2Southport Speech & Debate SmackdownVarsity
Kaelyn Tai and Sreya Myneni2IUPUC/Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational Speech TournamentVarsity
Cassidy Robertson and Milan Colzani3GIANT SPEAKERS IE/DEBATE TOURNAMENT (BEN DAVIS HS)Varsity
Lauren Hobson and Srilekha Davuluri3The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentNovice
Grace Nguyen and Keely Bailey4Fishers Debate-o-RamaVarsity
Grace Nguyen and Keely Bailey4The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentVarsity
Kaelyn Tai and Sreya Myneni4Franklin Central Speech and Debate MeetVarsity
Lauren Hobson and Srilekha Davuluri4IUPUC/Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational Speech TournamentVarsity
Ben Kipp and Brooke Reid5The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentVarsity
Brynna Rice and Hannah Moore5IUPUC/Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational Speech TournamentVarsity
Kaelyn Tai and Sreya Myneni6The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentNovice
Brynna Rice and Hannah MooreFin.Fishers Debate-o-RamaNovice
Cassidy Robertson and Milan ColzaniFin.Fishers Debate-o-RamaVarsity
Kaelyn Tai and Sreya MyneniFin.Fishers Debate-o-RamaNovice
Cassidy Robertson and Milan ColzaniFin.Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Lauren Hobson and Srilekha DavuluriFin.GIANT SPEAKERS IE/DEBATE TOURNAMENT (BEN DAVIS HS)Varsity

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