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Team results

Eagle Valley High School Public Forum Debate

Competitor(s) from Eagle Valley High School

Viewing results from 2021-2022. Change season:

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Final results
Audrey Tatro and Ben Vito1Eagle Valley High School Turkey Bowl CompetitionVarsity
Justin Vargas and Sierra Hill1Battle Mountain LIVE Tourney Fest & WSDVarsity
Justin Vargas and Sierra Hill1Western Slope Nat Quals Main EventsVarsity
Justin Vargas and Sierra Hill1Wildcat Winter Wonderland InvitationalVarsity
Audrey Tatro and Ben Vito2Western Slope Nat Quals Main EventsVarsity
Justin Vargas and Sierra Hill2Eagle Valley High School Turkey Bowl CompetitionVarsity
Luka Regjo and Sam Maule2Palisade Haunted TournamentNovice
Jackson Hindman and Rylee Sharkey5Battle Mountain LIVE Tourney Fest & WSDVarsity
Jackson Hindman and Rylee Sharkey5Eagle Valley High School Turkey Bowl CompetitionVarsity
Audrey Tatro and Ben Vito6Delta High School Academy Awards TournamentVarsity
Caitlin Cramer and Emma Bergsten6Battle Mountain LIVE Tourney Fest & WSDVarsity
Caitlin Cramer and Emma Bergsten6Eagle Valley High School Turkey Bowl CompetitionVarsity
Jackson Hindman and Rylee SharkeyFin.Delta High School Academy Awards TournamentVarsity
Justin Vargas and Sierra HillFin.Delta High School Academy Awards TournamentVarsity
Colter Squires and Matthew HoweFin.Delta High School Academy Awards TournamentVarsity
Luka Regjo and Sam MauleFin.Eagle Valley High School Turkey Bowl CompetitionVarsity
Caitlin Cramer and Emma BergstenFin.Delta High School Academy Awards TournamentVarsity

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