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Team results

Wayzata Discussion

Competitor(s) from Wayzata

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Final results
Amiya Kokate114th Annual Eden Prairie Eagle InvitationalVarsity
Amiya Kokate1Maple Grove Crimson InvitationalVarsity
Amiya Kokate1MSHSL Section 5AA Speech TournamentVarsity
Amiya Kokate248th Annual Bloomington TournamentVarsity
Amiya Kokate2Star Tribune Eastview Lightning ClassicChampionship
Areej Khan2Maple Grove Crimson InvitationalVarsity
Amiya Kokate3RosebowlVarsity
Sanjana Muralidhara3Prior Lake High School Laker Speech TournamentVarsity
Sanjana Muralidhara3The Odyssey: Your Speech Journey Begins HereVarsity
Amiya Kokate5Shakopee Saber Speech Invitational 2018Varsity
Saahil Sharma6The Odyssey: Your Speech Journey Begins HereVarsity
Anick MandalFin.STMA Knights InvitationalVarsity
Karan MulayFin.14th Annual Eden Prairie Eagle InvitationalVarsity
Novice Final results
Sandy Nagarajan1The Odyssey: Your Speech Journey Begins HereNovice
Sandy Nagarajan314th Annual Eden Prairie Eagle InvitationalNovice
Smarika Jayadev4The Odyssey: Your Speech Journey Begins HereNovice
Next-in Final results
Areej Khan2STMA Knights InvitationalVarsity
Sanjana Muralidhara2Shakopee Saber Speech Invitational 2018Varsity
Areej Khan3Prior Lake High School Laker Speech TournamentVarsity
Sanjana Muralidhara3RosebowlVarsity
Sanjana Muralidhara4Maple Grove Crimson InvitationalVarsity
Aashna Sheth5Prior Lake High School Laker Speech TournamentVarsity
Anick Mandal5Shakopee Saber Speech Invitational 2018Varsity
Sandy Nagarajan5Maple Grove Crimson InvitationalVarsity
Areej Khan6Shakopee Saber Speech Invitational 2018Varsity
Parker Ayotte614th Annual Eden Prairie Eagle InvitationalVarsity
Merit Final results
Aashna Sheth214th Annual Eden Prairie Eagle InvitationalVarsity
Amiya Kokate2STMA Knights InvitationalVarsity

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