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Team results

Fishers Original Performance

Competitor(s) from Fishers

Viewing results from 2019-2020. Change season:

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Final results
AnnaRose Martin and Ashley Grimpe1Hamilton Country InvitationalNovice
Claire Mizimakoski and Sydney Britt1Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Kendall Stohler1Red Carpet AffairVarsity
Kendall Stohler1The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentVarsity
Sydney Britt and Claire Mizimakoski1IUPUC/Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational Speech TournamentVarsity
Kendall Stohler2Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Sydney Britt and Claire Mizimakoski2Hamilton Country InvitationalVarsity
Sydney Britt and Claire Mizimakoski2The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentVarsity
Emersen Kolb3Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Emersen Kolb3Hamilton Country InvitationalNovice
Myra Kivett and Meghan Chen3The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentVarsity
Emersen Kolb4Red Carpet AffairVarsity
Emersen Kolb4The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentVarsity
Natalie Rund4Hamilton Country InvitationalVarsity
Natalie Rund4IUPUC/Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational Speech TournamentVarsity
Emersen Kolb5IUPUC/Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational Speech TournamentVarsity
Kendall Stohler5Hamilton Country InvitationalVarsity
Natalie Rund6Munster High School Speech MeetVarsity
Natalie Rund6The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentVarsity
Ryan AndersonFin.IUPUC/Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational Speech TournamentVarsity
Next-in Final results
AnnaRose Martin and Ashley Grimpe1The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate TournamentVarsity
Kendall Stohler1Munster High School Speech MeetVarsity
Myra Kivett and Meghan Chen4Munster High School Speech MeetVarsity

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