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Team results

Culver Academies Broadcasting

Competitor(s) from Culver Academies

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Final results
Reilly Reinhold1IHSFA Section 4 at McCutcheon HS (2018)Varsity
Reilly Reinhold1Red Carpet AffairVarsity
Ethan Tinsley2Red Carpet AffairVarsity
Maia Wang3Valparaiso High School Speech TournamentNovice
Reilly Reinhold3Steve Kirkpatrick Memorial Speech TournamentVarsity
Z. Wang3Red Carpet AffairNovice
Reilly Reinhold4La Porte High School LCTIYCBSVarsity
Wendi Ouyang4Red Carpet AffairNovice
Ethan Tinsley5IHSFA Section 4 at McCutcheon HS (2018)Varsity
Ethan Tinsley5Steve Kirkpatrick Memorial Speech TournamentVarsity
Jacky Gao5Red Carpet AffairNovice
Wendi Ouyang5Plymouth High School - John Oliver InvitationalNovice
Hugh Londrey6IHSFA Section 4 at McCutcheon HS (2018)Varsity
Hugh Londrey6Plymouth High School - John Oliver InvitationalNovice
Hugh Londrey6Red Carpet AffairNovice
Z. Wang6Steve Kirkpatrick Memorial Speech TournamentVarsity
Ethan TinsleyFin.La Porte High School LCTIYCBSVarsity
Reilly ReinholdFin.Rushville Speech TournamentVarsity
Ethan TinsleyFin.Rushville Speech TournamentVarsity
Z. WangFin.Rushville Speech TournamentVarsity
Charlie ZhuFin.Red Carpet AffairVarsity
Lewis ChangFin.Red Carpet AffairVarsity
Next-in Final results
Jacky Gao4Steve Kirkpatrick Memorial Speech TournamentVarsity
Ethan Tinsley5Plymouth High School - John Oliver InvitationalVarsity

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