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Team results

St. Vincent's (Fort Wayne) Duo Interpretation (Scripted)

Competitor(s) from St. Vincent's (Fort Wayne)

Viewing results from 2023-2024. Change season:

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Final results
Annie Row and Phoebe Scudder1Thankful for Speech TourneyMiddle
Annie Row and Phoebe Scudder1Westfield Rock Talk TournamentMiddle
Annie Row and Phoebe Scudder5Canterbury Middle School Speech and DebateMiddle
Jackson Luce and Ruhama Rapp5Thankful for Speech TourneyMiddle
Isaac Rude and Jacob Hamoy6Lincoln Junior High SchoolMiddle
Makenzie Leksich and Piper Schleinkofer6Canterbury Middle School Speech and DebateMiddle
Anna Strzelecki and Jeyla SalinasFin.Lincoln Junior High SchoolMiddle
Miles Knepper and Parker MillerFin.Thankful for Speech TourneyMiddle
Miles Knepper and Parker MillerFin.Westfield Rock Talk TournamentMiddle
Isabelle Boettcher and Makenzie LeksichFin.Lincoln Junior High SchoolMiddle
Avery Parcell and Lou Lou GodfreyFin.Lincoln Junior High SchoolMiddle
Anna Strzelecki and Jeyla SalinasFin.Canterbury Middle School Speech and DebateMiddle
Isaac Rude and Jacob HamoyFin.Thankful for Speech TourneyMiddle
Aaron Beeber and Anja MillerFin.Westfield Rock Talk TournamentMiddle

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