Dylan Hirman | 2 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Kara Wold | 2 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Paige Klaphake | 2 | Storytelling (STY) | Varsity |
Jeffrey Cihlar | 3 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Samantha Baker | 3 | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Tia Nelson | 3 | Great Speeches (GrSp) | Varsity |
Kia Shepersky | 4 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Abbey Schoumaker | 6 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Maddy Carroll | Fin. | Extemporaneous Reading (ER) | Varsity |
Dylan Hirman | 4 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Tia Nelson | 5 | Great Speeches (GrSp) | Varsity |
Jeffrey Cihlar | 2 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Tia Nelson | 4 | Storytelling (STY) | Varsity |
Jeffrey Cihlar | 1 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Tia Nelson | 3 | Great Speeches (GrSp) | Varsity |
Dylan Hirman | 5 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Kia Shepersky | 5 | Poetry Interpretation (POE) | Varsity |
Isabella Graham | 1 | Serious Drama (DI) | Varsity |
Kara Wold | 2 | Serious Drama (DI) | Varsity |
Dylan Hirman | 4 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Jeffrey Cihlar | 4 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Samantha Baker | 4 | Serious Prose (PRO) | Varsity |
Paige Klaphake | 5 | Storytelling (STY) | Varsity |
Tia Nelson | 6 | Great Speeches (GrSp) | Varsity |
Tia Nelson | 6 | Storytelling (STY) | Varsity |
Kia Shepersky | 6 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Jeffrey Cihlar | 1 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Dylan Bouwman and Paige Klaphake | 3 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Varsity |
Kara Wold | 3 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Tia Nelson | 3 | Great Speeches (GrSp) | Varsity |
Paige Klaphake | 6 | Storytelling (STY) | Varsity |
Jeffrey Cihlar | 2 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Kara Wold | 3 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Samantha Baker | 4 | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Tia Nelson | 5 | Great Speeches (GrSp) | Varsity |
Paige Klaphake | 6 | Storytelling (STY) | Varsity |
Dylan Hirman | Fin. | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Paige Klaphake | 1 | Storytelling (STY) | Varsity |
Jeffrey Cihlar | 2 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Kara Wold | 2 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Kia Shepersky | 2 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Dylan Hirman | 3 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Tia Nelson | 3 | Great Speeches (GrSp) | Varsity |
Samantha Baker | 4 | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Maddy Carroll | 6 | Extemporaneous Reading (ER) | Varsity |
Abbey Schoumaker | Fin. | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Coby Denhartog | Fin. | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Dylan Hirman | 1 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Jeffrey Cihlar | 3 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Dylan Bouwman and Paige Klaphake | 5 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Varsity |
Kia Shepersky and Maddy Carroll | 6 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Varsity |
Kia Shepersky | 6 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Tia Nelson | 6 | Great Speeches (GrSp) | Varsity |
Samantha Baker | 4 | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Tia Nelson | 2 | Great Speeches (GrSp) | Varsity |
Jeffrey Cihlar | 4 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Paige Klaphake and Tia Nelson | 4 | Improv Duo Acting (IDA) | Varsity |
Dylan Hirman | 5 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Isabella Graham | Fin. | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Tia Nelson | 3 | Storytelling (STY) | Varsity |
Kia Shepersky | 6 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Isabella Graham | Fin. | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Tia Nelson | Fin. | Great Speeches (GrSp) | Varsity |
Dylan Hirman | 2 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Jeffrey Cihlar | 3 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Tia Nelson | 4 | Storytelling (STY) | Varsity |