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Team results

North Mecklenburg H.S.
A High School team from North Carolina

Viewing results from 2014-2015. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
7The Laird Lewis Invitational43

Competitor results

Northwest Guilford High School Tournament - Final results
Anna Cloud1JV Congressional Debate (SC)JV
Jack Watson1Original Oratory (OO)Open
Marco Wertheimer1JV Congressional Debate (SC)JV
Ryan Golden1JV Congressional Debate (SC)JV
June Yom2Storytelling (STY)Open
Sam Thornton3JV Lincoln Douglas Debate Group A (LD)JV
Jonathon Johnson4Varsity Congressional Debate (SC)Varsity
June Yom4Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Open
Leslie Nyandjo and Kayla Saunders4Duo Interpretation (DUO)Open
Kavasia Heath5Original Oratory (OO)Open
Mary Jane Builes6Oral Interpretation (Prose/Poetry) (OI)Open
Tarheel Forensic League State Championship - Final results
Jonathon Johnson1Novice Congressional Debate (SC)Novice
Jack Watson2Original Oratory (OO)Open
James Haberberger4Varsity Congressional Debate (SC)Varsity
June Yom4Oral Interpretation (OI)Open
June Yom5Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Open
Leslie Nyandjo and Kayla Saunders5Duo Interpretation (DUO)Open
Jack Watson6Oral Interpretation (OI)Open
Kennedy Parkins6Original Oratory (OO)Open
Marco WertheimerFin.Novice Congressional Debate (SC)Novice
Ryan GoldenFin.Varsity Congressional Debate (SC)Varsity
The Laird Lewis Invitational - Final results
Jonathon Johnson1Novice Congressional Debate (SC)Novice
Jack Watson2Expository Speaking (XPO)Varsity
Marco Wertheimer2Novice Congressional Debate (SC)Novice
James Haberberger5Varsity Congressional Debate (SC)Varsity

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