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Team results

Larkin Dramatic Duet Acting

Competitor(s) from Larkin

Viewing results from 2024-2025. Change season:

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Final results
Anet Contreraz and Janessa Martinez1RTHS Novice TournamentJV
Bella Ciancio and Emmalia Miller1RTHS Novice TournamentJV
Fatima Esteban and Sophia Adkins-Baturin1School District U-46 MixerVarsity
Anet Contreraz and Janessa Martinez2School District U-46 MixerVarsity
Fatima Esteban and Sophia Adkins-Baturin2The Upstate 8 Conference Tournament (Taylor's Version)Varsity
Bella Ciancio and Emmalia Miller3School District U-46 MixerVarsity
Bella Ciancio and Emmalia Miller3The Upstate 8 Conference Tournament (Taylor's Version)Varsity
Fatima Esteban and Sophia Adkins-Baturin3DeKalb Corn Classic 2024Varsity
Fatima Esteban and Sophia Adkins-Baturin4IHSA Regional - DeKalbVarsity
Bella Ciancio and Emmalia Miller5DeKalb Corn Classic 2024Novice
Bella Ciancio and Emmalia Miller5The Happiest Tournament on EarthNovice
Lara Amaro and Lucy Akemann5Byron Holiday ClassicVarsity
Lara Amaro and Lucy Akemann6RTHS InvitationalVarsity
Next-in Final results
Fatima Esteban and Sophia Adkins-Baturin2Illinois High School Theatre FestivalVarsity
Fatima Esteban and Sophia Adkins-Baturin2RTHS InvitationalVarsity
Bella Ciancio and Emmalia Miller5Byron Holiday ClassicNovice

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