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Team results

AW Dreyfoos School of the Arts Public Forum Debate

Competitor(s) from AW Dreyfoos School of the Arts

Viewing results from 2022-2023. Change season:

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Final results
Duaa Ali and Jenna Lee1FFL Region 4 QualifierVarsity
Duaa Ali and Jenna Lee1Florida Oceanfront NSDA Speech and DebateOpen
Matix Parker and Zachary Schwartz1PBCFL #4Novice
Anisah Aden and Hanna Masudi2FCDI Southeast #1 @Dreyfoos School of the ArtsNovice
Ava Fiala and Brooke Yang2Florida Oceanfront NSDA Speech and DebateOpen
Capri Wayne and Cloe Barrau2PBCFL #6Mixed
Ephram Jacob and Harrison Mandell2PBCFL #4Varsity
Nicholas Stan and Zijia Mo2PBCFL #3Novice
Anthony Stan and Ava Fiala3FCDI Southeast #1 @Dreyfoos School of the ArtsNovice
Capri Wayne and Cloe Barrau3PBCFL #1 EarlybirdVarsity
Nicholas Stan and Zijia Mo3PBCFL #4Novice
Anisah Aden and Hanna Masudi4PBCFL #4Novice
Ashwin Kishor and Karina Brown4PBCFL #5Varsity
Callum Curran and Josef Fiala4PBCFL #1 EarlybirdVarsity
Hunter Tota and Jayantha Kantamneni4PBCFL #4Varsity
Dylan Nguyen and Josiah Manners5PBCFL #1 EarlybirdVarsity
Nicholas Stan and Zijia Mo5PBCFL #5Varsity
Aiza Khan and Sienna Sossi6PBCFL #5Varsity
Anthony Stan and William Stetson6PBCFL #3Novice
Keira Cardoso and Rayven Richards6PBCFL #4Novice

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