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Team results

St. Peter Public Schools
A High School team from Minnesota

Viewing results from 2024-2025. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
5New Prague Middle School Tournament22

Competitor results

3rd Annual Shakopee Wild Thing - Next-in Final results
Elise Carter6Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Varsity
Crusader Classic - Final results
Addy Maxfield6Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Crusader Classic - Novice Final results
Himalaya Harrison4Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Novice
Elise Carter5Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Novice
Maya Knutson and Theory Harrison5Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Britney Vogt and Jazmyn Hermel-Eggers6Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Jordan Junior High Meet - Final results
Britney Vogt and Jazmyn Hermel-Eggers2Duo Interpretation (DUO)Regular
Elise Carter2Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Regular
Himalaya Harrison3Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Regular
Maya Knutson and Theory Harrison4Duo Interpretation (DUO)Regular
Elise Carter and Greta StoffregenFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Regular
Iris SharstromFin.Storytelling (STY)Regular
Jackson SchoenbornFin.Creative Expression (CrX)Regular
Zac HallFin.Storytelling (STY)Regular
JWP Bulldog Speech Meet - Final results
Elise Carter5Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Novice
JWP Bulldog Speech Meet - Novice Final results
Elise Carter and Greta Stoffregen1Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Michael Dunn1Great Speeches (GrSp)Novice
Josie Scrabeck and Sadie Albrecht2Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Britney Vogt and Jazmyn Hermel-Eggers3Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Josie Scrabeck3Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
Mankato East Speech Quacktacular - Novice Final results
Iris Sharstrom2Storytelling (STY)Novice
Michael Dunn2Great Speeches (GrSp)Novice
Maya Knutson and Theory Harrison3Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
New Prague Middle School Tournament - Final results
Elise Carter1Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Novice
Maya Knutson and Theory Harrison1Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Britney Vogt and Jazmyn Hermel-Eggers2Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Josie Scrabeck4Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
Iris Sharstrom6Storytelling (STY)Novice
Josie Scrabeck and Sadie Albrecht6Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Elise Carter and Greta StoffregenFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Himalaya HarrisonFin.Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Novice
Ahnki Smuder and Oliver BaxaFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Prior Lake High School Laker Speech Tournament - Novice Final results
Elise Carter and Greta Stoffregen4Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Iris Sharstrom6Storytelling (STY)Novice
Scarlet Invitational - Novice Final results
Michael Dunn2Great Speeches (GrSp)Novice
Josie Scrabeck and Sadie Albrecht3Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Himalaya Harrison4Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Novice
Iris Sharstrom4Storytelling (STY)Novice

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