Cameron Hutchison, Madison Baehr and Matthew Mielke | 1 | Play Acting (Play) | Varsity |
Madison Baehr | 1 | Solo Humorous Acting (SoloH) | Varsity |
Cameron Hutchison | 2 | Expository Speaking (EXP) | Varsity |
Annabel Patschke | 3 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Arabelle Gershon | 3 | Novice Poetry (Poet) | Novice |
Emma Baer, Kai Cook and Oliva Bourassa | 3 | Group Interpretation (GINRP) | Varsity |
Hope Hietpas | 3 | Varsity Poetry (Poet) | Varsity |
Hope Hietpas | 4 | Solo Serious Acting (SoloS) | Varsity |
Linnea Wolfe | 4 | Expository Speaking (EXP) | Varsity |
Alaina DeGroot and Emma Creten | 5 | Play Acting (Play) | Varsity |
Alexander Huettl | 5 | Radio Speaking (RS) | Varsity |
Alexander Huettl | 5 | Solo Serious Acting (SoloS) | Varsity |
Colin Reichl and Via Bentley | 5 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Varsity |
Rory Baer | 5 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Sophia Harvey | 5 | Novice Poetry (Poet) | Novice |
Anna Bestul | 6 | Novice Prose (Pro) | Novice |
Cameron Hutchison | 6 | Radio Speaking (RS) | Varsity |
Emma Creten | 6 | Farrago (FARR) | Varsity |
Rory Baer | 1 | Impromptu (IMP) | Varsity |
Arabelle Gershon | 2 | Novice Prose (Pro) | Novice |
Cameron Hutchison, Madison Baehr and Matthew Mielke | 2 | Play Acting (Play) | Varsity |
Izzy Nechodom | 2 | Novice Poetry (Poet) | Novice |
Kai Cook | 2 | Musical Interpretation (MUS) | Varsity |
Linnea Wolfe | 2 | Expository (XPO) | Varsity |
Cameron Hutchison | 3 | Radio Speaking (RS) | Varsity |
Emma Creten | 3 | Farrago (FARR) | Varsity |
Lillian Pingel | 3 | Musical Interpretation (MUS) | Varsity |
Lillian Pingel | 3 | Oral Interpretation (OI) | Varsity |
Madison Baehr | 3 | Solo Humorous Acting (SoloH) | Varsity |
Sophia Harvey | 3 | Novice Poetry (Poet) | Novice |
Arabelle Gershon | 4 | Novice Poetry (Poet) | Novice |
Emma Baer, Kai Cook and Oliva Bourassa | 4 | Play Acting (Play) | Varsity |
Emma Creten | 4 | Musical Interpretation (MUS) | Varsity |
Hope Hietpas and Sophia Harvey | 4 | Duo Improvisation (DPV) | Varsity |
Hope Hietpas | 4 | Varsity Poetry (Poet) | Varsity |
Matthew Mielke, Rory Baer and Via Bentley | 4 | Group Interpretation (GINRP) | Varsity |
Alaina DeGroot and Emma Creten | 5 | Play Acting (Play) | Varsity |
Alexander Huettl | 5 | Radio Speaking (RS) | Varsity |
Anna Bestul | 5 | Musical Interpretation (MUS) | Varsity |
Annabel Patschke | 5 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Camille Dolisy and Salome Boisrame | 5 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Varsity |
Lillian Pingel | 5 | Varsity Prose (Pro) | Varsity |
Amethyst Myers and Anna Bailey | 6 | Play Acting (Play) | Varsity |
Danni Vanderloop and Zach Vanderloop | 6 | Duo Improvisation (DPV) | Varsity |
Zach Vanderloop | 6 | Solo Humorous Acting (SoloH) | Varsity |
Colin Reichl and Via Bentley | Fin. | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Varsity |
Annabel Patschke | Fin. | Musical Interpretation (MUS) | Varsity |
Cameron Hutchison, Madison Baehr and Matthew Mielke | 1 | Play Acting (Play) | Varsity |
Hope Hietpas and Sophia Harvey | 1 | Duo Improvisation (DPV) | Varsity |
Lillian Pingel | 1 | Prose (Pro) | Varsity |
Arabelle Gershon | 2 | Novice Poetry (Poet) | Novice |
Arabelle Gershon | 2 | Novice Prose (Pro) | Novice |
Linnea Wolfe | 2 | Expository (XPO) | Varsity |
Matthew Mielke, Rory Baer and Via Bentley | 2 | Group Interpretation (GINRP) | Varsity |
Amethyst Myers and Anna Bailey | 4 | Play Acting (Play) | Varsity |
Anna Bestul | 4 | Oratorical Declamation (OD) | Novice |
Anna Bestul | 4 | Novice Prose (Pro) | Novice |
Annabel Patschke | 4 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Cameron Hutchison | 5 | Radio Speaking (RADIO) | Varsity |
Emma Baer, Kai Cook and Oliva Bourassa | 5 | Play Acting (Play) | Varsity |
Alek Mandel | 1 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Alexander Huettl | 4 | Radio Speaking (RS) | Varsity |
Cameron Hutchison, Madison Baehr and Matthew Mielke | 4 | Play Acting (Play) | Varsity |
Matthew Mielke, Rory Baer and Via Bentley | 4 | Group Interpretation (GINRP) | Varsity |
Zach Vanderloop | 5 | Solo Humorous Acting (SoloH) | Varsity |
Lillian Pingel | 6 | Extemporaneous Reading (ExRdg) | Varsity |
Madison Baehr | 6 | Solo Humorous Acting (SoloH) | Varsity |
Sophia Harvey | 5 | Varsity Poetry (Poet) | Novice |
Hope Hietpas | 3 | Varsity Poetry (Poet) | Varsity |
Emma Baer, Kai Cook and Oliva Bourassa | 2 | Group Interpretation (GINRP) | Varsity |
Cameron Hutchison | 3 | Radio Speaking (RS) | Varsity |
Lillian Pingel | 3 | Oral Interpretation (OI) | Varsity |
Matthew Mielke, Rory Baer and Via Bentley | 3 | Group Interpretation (GINRP) | Varsity |
Madison Baehr | 4 | Farrago (FARR) | Varsity |
Rory Baer | 4 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Alek Mandel | 5 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Annabel Patschke | 6 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Annabel Patschke | 6 | Solo Serious Acting (SoloS) | Varsity |
Anna Bestul | 1 | Declamation (OD) | Varsity |
Brennan Leaverton | 2 | Declamation (OD) | Varsity |
Arabelle Gershon | 3 | Novice Poetry (Poet) | Novice |
Izzy Nechodom and Oliva Bourassa | 3 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Varsity |
Linnea Wolfe | 3 | Expository Speaking (EXP) | Varsity |
Annabel Patschke | 4 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Camille Dolisy and Salome Boisrame | 4 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Varsity |
Izzy Nechodom | 5 | Novice Poetry (Poet) | Novice |
Brennan Leaverton | 6 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Cameron Hutchison, Madison Baehr and Matthew Mielke | 1 | Play Acting (Play) | Varsity |
Anna Bestul | 2 | Oratorical Declamation (OD) | Varsity |
Anna Bestul | 2 | Novice Prose (Pro) | Novice |
Arabelle Gershon | 2 | Novice Poetry (Poet) | Novice |
Colin Reichl and Via Bentley | 2 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Varsity |
Emma Creten | 2 | Farrago (FARR) | Varsity |
Hope Hietpas | 2 | Varsity Poetry (Poet) | Varsity |
Hope Hietpas | 2 | Solo Serious Acting (SoloS) | Varsity |
Lillian Pingel | 2 | Oral Interpretation (OI) | Varsity |
Lillian Pingel | 2 | Varsity Prose (Pro) | Varsity |
Matthew Mielke, Rory Baer and Via Bentley | 2 | Group Interpretation (GINRP) | Varsity |
Rory Baer | 2 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Zach Vanderloop | 2 | Solo Humorous Acting (SoloH) | Varsity |
Amethyst Myers and Hope Hietpas | 3 | Group Interpretation (GINRP) | Varsity |
Brennan Leaverton | 3 | Oratorical Declamation (OD) | Varsity |
Cameron Hutchison | 3 | Radio Speaking (RS) | Varsity |
Kai Cook | 3 | Special Occasion Speaking (SOS) | Varsity |
Madison Baehr | 3 | Farrago (FARR) | Varsity |
Matthew Mielke | 3 | Solo Humorous Acting (SoloH) | Varsity |
Cameron Hutchison | 4 | Expository Speaking (EXP) | Varsity |
Emma Baer, Kai Cook and Oliva Bourassa | 4 | Play Acting (Play) | Varsity |
Izzy Nechodom and Oliva Bourassa | 4 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Varsity |
Izzy Nechodom | 4 | Novice Poetry (Poet) | Novice |
Colin Reichl | 6 | Varsity Prose (Pro) | Varsity |
emma pegues | 6 | Novice Poetry (Poet) | Novice |
Via Bentley | 6 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Anna Bestul | 1 | Prose (Pro) | Novice |
Camille Dolisy and Salome Boisrame | 1 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Varsity |
Emma Baer, Kai Cook and Oliva Bourassa | 1 | Play Acting (Play) | Varsity |
Emma Creten | 1 | Farrago (FARR) | Varsity |
Hope Hietpas | 1 | Solo Serious Acting (SoloS) | Varsity |
Annabel Patschke | 2 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Cameron Hutchison | 2 | Radio Speaking (RS) | Varsity |
Hope Hietpas | 2 | Poetry (Poet) | Varsity |
Kai Cook | 2 | Special Occasion Speaking (SOS) | Varsity |
Lillian Pingel | 2 | Oral Interpretation (OI) | Varsity |
Linnea Wolfe | 2 | Expository Speaking (EXP) | Varsity |
Matthew Mielke, Rory Baer and Via Bentley | 2 | Group Interpretation (GINRP) | Varsity |
Rory Baer | 2 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Zach Vanderloop | 2 | Solo Humorous Acting (SoloH) | Varsity |
Emma Baer | 3 | Special Occasion Speaking (SOS) | Varsity |
Linnea Wolfe | 3 | Farrago (FARR) | Varsity |
Matthew Mielke | 3 | Solo Humorous Acting (SoloH) | Varsity |
Via Bentley | 3 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Allie Hanson | 4 | Prose (Pro) | Varsity |
Cameron Hutchison | 4 | Expository Speaking (EXP) | Varsity |
Lillian Pingel | 5 | Prose (Pro) | Varsity |