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Team results

Palm Beach Central High School
A High School team from Florida

Viewing results from 2022-2023. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Competitor results

FCDI Southeast #1 @Dreyfoos School of the Arts - Final results
Amanda Kuznetz and Daniel Ramos1Public Forum Debate (PF)Varsity
Sophia Araujo1Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Varsity
Lester Ibarra2Congressional Debate Novice Varsity (CD)Novice
Logan Masse4Congressional Debate Novice Varsity (CD)Varsity
Florida Oceanfront NSDA Speech and Debate - Final results
Emilie Miller2Humorous Interpretation (HI)Open
PBCFL #1 Earlybird - Final results
David Linares2Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Varsity
Alexander Jean-Joseph3Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Ashley Furtado4Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Lester Ibarra4Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Nikhil Gudapati4Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Paris Brewton4Oral Interpretation (OI)Varsity
Collin Young5Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Kaylee Fruchter6Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
PBCFL #2 - Final results
Paris Brewton2Oral Interpretation - Varsity (OI)Varsity
Ashley Furtado3Oral Interpretation - Novice (OI)Novice
David Linares3Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Logan Masse3Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Emilie Miller6Dramatic Performance (DP)Mixed
Parker Nochomson6Oral Interpretation - Novice (OI)Novice
PBCFL #3 - Final results
David Linares1Lincoln Douglas Debate - Varsity (LD)Varsity
Abby Hepburn and Nathaly Melendez3Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Paris Brewton4Oral Interpretation (OI)Mixed
Julianna Garcia5Lincoln Douglas Debate - Varsity (LD)Varsity
Lester Ibarra6Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
PBCFL #4 - Final results
Victoria Tran3Declamation (DEC)Novice
Aaron Hall5Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
David Linares5Lincoln Douglas Debate - Varsity (LD)Varsity
Hailey Quesada and Sofia Carolina Cintron5Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Lester Ibarra5Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Ashley Furtado and Parker Nochomson6Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
PBCFL #5 - Final results
Logan Masse3Congressional Debate (CD)Varsity
Areanna Brunson4Dramatic Performance - Varsity (DP)Varsity
Bryan Miralda5Congressional Debate (CD)Varsity
PBCFL #6 - Final results
Emilie Miller4Dramatic Performance (DP)Mixed
Logan Masse4Congressional Debate (CD)Mixed
Hailey Quesada and Sofia Carolina Cintron5Duo Interpretation (DUO)Mixed
PBCFL Grand Finals - Final results
Emilie Miller3Dramatic Performance (DP)Open
Chase Evans4Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Open
Paris Brewton4Oral Interpretation (OI)Open
David Linares5Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Open

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