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Team results

A High School team from Ohio

Viewing results from 2022-2023. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
112 Events of S&D Moeller Holiday Tournament82.2
2Centerville TournaShop 202251

Competitor results

12 Events of S&D Moeller Holiday Tournament - Final results
Anna Munk1Congressional Debate (CD)Varsity
Henry Almoney2Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Nate Pennington and Sebastian Roederer3Public Forum Debate (PF)Varsity
Tristan Williams3Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Varsity
Claudia Schnell and Emerson Davis4Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Michael Ritschel4Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Varsity
Neil Heckman5Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Varsity
Sasha Guseva5Original Oratory (OO)Varsity
Avery Atocha6Congressional Debate (CD)Varsity
Evie Davis6Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Varsity
Peter Silvain6International Extemporaneous Speaking (IX)Varsity
Wren Rosenberg6Congressional Debate (CD)Varsity
Centerville TournaShop 2022 - Final results
Andreas Meira1Humorous Interpretation (HI)Novice
Charlotte Powell1Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Novice
Layla Coomer1Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
Eva Meehan and Reese Dunnington1Public Forum Debate (PF)Novice
Eden Lubow2Congressional Debate (CD)Novice
Neil Heckman3Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Novice
Peter Silvain3International Extemporaneous Speaking (IX)Novice
Lilly Green4Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
Arwen Feng5Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Novice
Liam Vish6Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Novice
Ruth Glaser6Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
GlenOak Adult Booster Club Debate Tournament - Final results
Tristan Williams2Lincoln-Douglas Debate (LD)Varsity
OSDA Columbus-GMV District Tournament 2023 - Final results
Anna Munk1Bid GMV Congressional Debate (GCD)Bid
Claudia Schnell and Emerson Davis1GMV GMV DUO (GDUO)GMV
Gabby Vish1GMV GMV Congressional Debate (GCD)GMV
Henry Almoney1Bid GMV HI (GHI)Bid
Layla Coomer1GMV GMV DI (GDI)GMV
Marcela Strombeck1Bid GMV Congressional Debate (GCD)Bid
Matthew Walton and Taylor Brown1GMV GMV PF (GPF)GMV
Michael Ritschel1Bid GMV LD (GLD)Bid
Robert Einhorn1Bid GMV LD (GLD)Bid
Nate Pennington and Sebastian Roederer1Bid GMV PF (GPF)Bid
Tristan Williams1Bid GMV LD (GLD)Bid
Sasha Guseva2GMV GMV OO (GOO)GMV
Sean Michael2GMV GMV LD (GLD)GMV
Natalia Alvarez4GMV GMV INF (GINF)GMV
Maverick O'HaraFin.GMV GMV Congressional Debate (GCD)GMV

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