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Elimination round roster

NSAA District C1-2 (Oakland-Craig)
C1-2 Oral Interpretation of Drama

Final round

Note: This is only a speech speaking order or a list of congress or debate qualifiers, and these are not results.

1Brayden Selk, Caleb Sechler, Hannah Deemer, Joplin Tague and Valerie LiermanOakland-Craig
2Autumn Lindsley, Brittin Valentine, Natalie Robak and Neil OlsonDavid City
3Bella Tederman, Laycee Josoff, Maura Tichota, Maycee Hays and Shay CampbellYutan Speech Team
4Drake Trent, Ellie Lloyd, Grayson Cogdill, Jett Arensberg and Zach KrajicekYutan Speech Team
5Dawson Hiemstra, Hannah Thulin, Jordan Hiemstra, Kendal Vculek and Veronica FritschWahoo-Bishop Neumann
6Joey Scribner, Kaylee Bartak, Mikah Mittleider, Natalie Summers and Sidnee BuschDavid City

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