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Team results

Cotter Schools Duo Interpretation

Competitor(s) from Cotter Schools

Viewing results from 2022-2023. Change season:

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Final results
Francis Koll and Lily Corcoran1Cannon Falls InvitationalVarsity
Carson Ehlenfeldt and Nathan Kiehne2Cotter Middle School MeetVarsity
Carson Ehlenfeldt and Nathan Kiehne2Rushford-Peterson TournamentVarsity
Francis Koll and Lily Corcoran2MSHSL Section 1A Sub Section 1Varsity
Francis Koll and Lily Corcoran2Three Rivers ConferenceVarsity
Olivia Moore and River Repinski2John Marshall Supreme Speech SpectacularVarsity
Parker Lorenz and Riley Huntley2Chatfield InvitationalRegular
Brooke Rodgers and Maddie Lemmer3Shakopee Speech InvitationalVarsity
Carson Ehlenfeldt and Nathan Kiehne3Three Rivers ConferenceVarsity
Francis Koll and Lily Corcoran3Chatfield InvitationalRegular
Francis Koll and Lily Corcoran3Red Wing InvitationalVarsity
Olivia Moore and River Repinski3Cotter Speech MeetVarsity
Brooke Rodgers and Maddie Lemmer4Cotter Speech MeetVarsity
Brooke Rodgers and Maddie Lemmer4Rosemount Luck of the Irish InvitationalVarsity
Parker Lorenz and Riley Huntley4MSHSL Section 1A Sub Section 1Varsity
Shawn Freyre and William Kirk4Three Rivers ConferenceVarsity
Carson Ehlenfeldt and Nathan Kiehne5Chatfield InvitationalRegular
Francis Koll and Lily Corcoran5MSHSL Section 1AVarsity
Shawn Freyre and William Kirk5MSHSL Section 1A Sub Section 1Varsity
Carson Ehlenfeldt and Nathan Kiehne6MSHSL Section 1AVarsity
Carson Ehlenfeldt and Nathan Kiehne6MSHSL Section 1A Sub Section 1Varsity
Harper Biesanz and Izzie Biesanz6Chatfield InvitationalRegular
Harper Biesanz and Izzie Biesanz6Red Wing InvitationalVarsity
Harper Biesanz and Izzie Biesanz6Rushford-Peterson TournamentVarsity
Carson Ehlenfeldt and Nathan KiehneFin.Chanhassen Speech TournamentNovice
Shawn Freyre and William KirkFin.Chanhassen Speech TournamentNovice
Novice Final results
Carson Ehlenfeldt and Nathan Kiehne653rd Annual Bloomington TournamentNovice
Next-in Final results
Brooke Rodgers and Maddie LemmerFin.53rd Annual Bloomington TournamentVarsity

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