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Benilde-St. Margaret Duo Interpretation

Competitor(s) from Benilde-St. Margaret

Viewing results from 2022-2023. Change season:

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Final results
Greta Hall and Lance Hoover153rd Annual Bloomington TournamentVarsity
Greta Hall and Lance Hoover1Prior Lake High School Laker Speech TournamentVarsity
Greta Hall and Lance Hoover1Shakopee Speech InvitationalVarsity
Bianca Mojica and Jill Petty2Shakopee Speech InvitationalVarsity
Greta Hall and Lance Hoover2MSHSL Section 6AA Speech TournamentVarsity
Miguel Nunez-Mudoy and Milla Mirkovic3Prior Lake High School Laker Speech TournamentVarsity
Greta Hall and Lance Hoover4East Ridge Raptor Tournament 2023Varsity
Bianca Mojica and Jill Petty6MSHSL Section 6AA Speech TournamentVarsity
Bianca Mojica and Jill Petty6Prior Lake High School Laker Speech TournamentVarsity
Avery Nientimp and Olivia MichaelFin.MSHSL Section 6AA Speech TournamentVarsity
Next-in Final results
Greta Hall and Lance Hoover1Star Tribune Eastview Lightning ClassicChampionship
Greta Hall and Lance Hoover3Chanhassen Speech TournamentVarsity
Bianca Mojica and Jill Petty453rd Annual Bloomington TournamentVarsity
Miguel Nunez-Mudoy and Milla Mirkovic4East Ridge Raptor Tournament 2023Varsity
Avery Nientimp and Olivia Michael5Wayzata Trojan WarVarsity
Bianca Mojica and Jill Petty6Chanhassen Speech TournamentVarsity
Merit Final results
Avery Nientimp and Olivia Michael5Shakopee Speech InvitationalVarsity
Alexis Murphy and Jackie Commerford6Wayzata Trojan WarVarsity

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